bludie: You did the right thing. I remember shortly after my ex N left, how he tormented with the fax machine, calling at all times. Just "dropping" by to see how I was doing. Very must continue to ignore, ignore, ignore. The more you ignore and give no indication that he is alive..........N's finally get tired of the chase. It is not about them any more and they move on to the next victim. However it makes you rattled because you still have the left over trauma of the manipulations, "the crazy making" etc. from the N. They make you doubt your reality............ I found it useful to focus on what is happening, what is his behavior, what is my is the only real thing in that moment, space and time. If you see what you see and hear what you is real. He cannot stand the thought that someone has rejected HIM, I mean HIM of all people and he just has to get back. I think to a large extent after being exposed to an N for a period of time we all suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome. The flash backs, the anxious moments when there is no reason to be anxious, doubting our judgement...........Your judgement is just fine........hang up, disconnect, and move on. Get a restraining order if necessary. Patz