A few years ago, I was suffering neurotoxic psychological affect from an undiagnosed systemic fungal infection (aspergilius), which made me suddenly lose my freaking mind, my mother scolded me for my sins and informed me that I wasn't crazy. Fine, its true, I'm not particularly crazy. I'm emotionally disturbed, fo' shizzle, existentially depressed, mildly drug addicted, prone to occasional PST shock, and a bit on the poorly socialized side, but all-in-all, the wheels and cogs upstairs spin in unison. Comfortable in my own skin. I have good human interactions. A fairly healthy ego. I like me, I'm pretty cool.
empathy, check.
humility, finally.
conscience, clear(ish).
humor, si.
paranoid ideations, negatori
delusions, minimal.
demonic possession, nyet.
My dear ol' momma didn't stop dispensing the psychiatric diagnoses there though, oh no, she went on to state that WE'RE not crazy, WE just love drama.
Oof! Talk about a blind medicine ball to the belly. I was stupefied, to say the least. Stoooopified. Incapable of speech, as I stood dumbfounded mutely staring at my mother in awe.
Granted, my mother has psychiatric experience aplenty, not only did she pursue a degree in psychology because she was interested in human manipulation, but she had plenty of experiental knowledge from her various hospitalizations for what in the late 1960's was termed Borderline Personality Disorder; though I believe the current diagnosis would be Narcissistic PD.
She was so violent. So self-centered. So petty/mean/cruel. Slash marks defile her wrists. She was locked away the first year and a half of my life, something I didn't know until recently.
She'd turn off the lights and dress like the boogeyman and chase me around until I screamed and screamed.
She'd steal my dessert and hold it over my head to make me cry.
She'd glare at me all evil looking and tell me there was a monster behind her eyes.
She'd decide I had a "look" on my face and backhand me when I wasn't looking.
She'd stab my clothes.
Rip fistfuls of my hair out.
Tease me that she wanted a different kid.
Call me way harsh names. Loser. Loser. Loser.
Lied to me about her "cool" life so I'd perceive myself as a failure in comparison.
etc etc
Then she'd accuse me of hating her. [Doi] Over and over and over and over and over again. Can you say "guilt card" boys and girls?
I was a little kid, man. WTF? If this woman wasn't off-her-nut crazy then what the f*ck was she doing acting like a freakin' psycho?
She rationalizes it by saying she wanted to make me tough. Um, since she studied psychology she should know perfectly well that the response to that behavior is co-dependency.
Or, she's lucky I didn't kill her. Mind you, I'm mostly kidding . . . haha heh.
Pan back to me gaping at mommie dearest in utter abject amazement, reeling in shock at the audacity of this woman; here I was with pus and blood draining from my ear from a lesion on my brain from a mycotoxin that's crossed the blood-brain barrier, a fungal infection that my HMO physician tries to treat with Zoloft, because, gee, I'm depressed and I can't concentrate and my grades are slipping and I have burning hot spots in my left hemisphere with corresponding blindspot in the opposite visual field, and I'm having Zoloft-induced paretial/temporal lobe and jacksonian seizures (only I don't realize they're seizures 'cause I wasn't flopping around) and I'm feeling pretty freakin' freaked up in the freaking head because I really really have physical things going on that is leading me to believe I'm genuinely going crazy but it was just a TIA, not a stroke or anything, ha-freaking-ha-ha and you're not feeling at all insane, Noonewhere, you big drama queen. WE'RE not crazy. WE just like drama. Oh, you all know I was itching to *itchslap her. Hard. Still am.
Flabbergasted. That's a great word. Flabbergasted. Yup. Flabberfreakinggasted.
But, as is her wont, she was correct, or partially so. I'm certainly not as crazy as I probably should be. Then again, I mostly lived with my grandmother. I insisted. I guess I know the devil when I see 'im, or her, as the case may vary.
Thank God I'm a smart lass. heh
And have had good friends.