Thanks for your comments, Serena.
It has taken me seven years - hang on
<counts years on fingers>- eight years so far to get where I am now. Another 9 to recover???
You are right, the NHS is not ideal, to say the least. But I started off in the private sector, because I was terrified of NHS psychiatry, after seeing how it treated my ex. Spent all my money and got nowhere. Completely misdiagnosed.
However, now on the right track, I think, with a good t who makes a lot of sense. I am happy to go part of the way with her, and the rest of the way on my own, but so far it is helping.
I started out being called 'very compliant' by doctors. Now I have stopped that, and I don't take the drugs any more.

I generally say they are too strong for me, and only add another layer onto whatever problems already exist. Also, my depression is very resilient and normally finds its way through the medication within a few weeks, and I end up on a very high dose, with minimised a/d effect and all the side effects still there.
Recently tried SJW instead, however, and find that helps, but again I have to take a lower than stated dose, or else the side effects are too strong. But at least it does help.