Author Topic: daily affirmations  (Read 8545 times)


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« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2005, 09:33:00 PM »
Dear miaxo, and everyone else....

Here is another excellent site, that is the caliber of this site, loving, supportive, informative, etc, only difference is, it is a chat room for Panic/Anxiety disorder. I go there sometimes frequently, when I suffer from panic disorder or anxiety. even ptsd. (I think the voiceless will find their voices here, and people love to help and are very friendly. Put it into your bookmarks and go there whenever you feel the need or desire:

(also known as Wispery)


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« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2005, 09:34:15 PM »
I asked my friend years ago to tell me in one paragraph, what this reality was all about from her perspective.  Just to set this up a bit, I have seen her with 20 crows circling around her and cawing, while she just raised her hands up to the sky and grinned.  I have seen her experienced her reading my mind.  She taught me to hear the tones that people send with their thought.  I have seen her twice, after doing hands on energy work with her left hand black from what she picked up.  Once she washed it off with water, the other time she shook it off with a flick. anyway, in answer to my question to her, she gave it to me in one word.  The word is "THOUGHT".

Control your thoughts
and you control your emotions
Control your emotions
and you control your habits
Control your habits
and you control your character
Control your character
and you control your destiny

She has shown me the MAGIC of thought.  If it is true that we are co-creators, what are we doing with that POWER?  A reasonable question I think.

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2005, 09:44:16 PM »
Here's a good question for you...Phillip.

Since it is said that we create our own realities....what about, say. those people in africa and other third world countries where they have no place to sleep on but a hard dirt clean water from which to drink, their water contaminated with bacteria and other dangerous unhealthy things, like where people defacte and pee in the water in the same place people are forced to collect their drinking water, where they might only be able to get a ration of food (if that) for three months at a time, a little bit of sugar, some rice and beans and flour...and they do not even know where from or when they will ever eat again....people dying from these harsh conditions, of colera, malaria, aids...etc.

How can those poor people be creating their own reality? They were born into that from which there is no escape.

I anticipate your answer...


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« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2005, 09:58:24 PM »
A few days ago a friend at work was listening to a conversation about the starving people in Somalia and Ethiopia.  He said in a rather emphatic voice,"What are these people doing trying to survive in a desert, or a wasteland with no food and unlivable conditions?  Why is it that a person can come out of the worst situation in this country even, and find a way to improve his situation and his families'?  Why would a woman stay in a abusive marriage, when even her children were jeopardized?  Why would a man stay with a woman, who was cheating on him, disrespecting the relationship, and him?  

Why do the starving of this world settle for less than basic requirements to sustain life?

Why did the Jews during WWII passively walk into the gas chambers?

Why is it that people settle?

My answer is FEAR.

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2005, 10:08:28 PM »
Fear? These third world countris of people have no way to get out of the country they are in. They would have to find a way to come to America or some other rich country that would take them in.

Are you suggesting that everyone that lives in those deparately poor nations should all be evacuated to our rich countries? Would our governments let the millions and millions of people just flood in?

I do not understand how the rich can live so wealthily, and yet there is not enough money given to help those poor countries. They have organizations like Unicef, The Red Cross, etc, and they offer people to adopt a child (not literally, just pay something like 20 dollars a month to help a child..) which then becomes your "foster" child, and they say that is enough money to bring that child food, clothing, medicine, and education.

I think that all of the rich people should keep a few million for themselves, (that's more than anyone could ever truly need to survive in this life) and give the rest to a good charity, or donate to a worthy cause and to another desparate country. Many people simply have far more than they could ever need, but they just keep on making millions of dollars every year, and just keep getting richer, knowing that while their bank account just keeps getting fatter and fatter, there afre deparately poor people in this world who need help.

I understand, I think, what you are saying. Why don't those suffering people in such tragic conditions just get somewhere where life is bountiful and rich, are you saying that those people have a choice, those billions of people that are starving and have no way to get out? Are you saying that they could just all get up and walk out of their country to one that is rich?


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« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2005, 10:13:29 PM »
Or die trying.

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2005, 10:14:51 PM »
I think that is exactly what they are doing. Dying. Our rich countries won't let them all in. That is why so many are smuggled into our rich countries.


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« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2005, 10:16:51 PM »

Please forgive me for jumping in where you were having a dialogue with someone else.  I just naturally love these kinds of topics & could not resist replying.  

For myself, I think this notion does not entirely relate to the actual physical world.

I think we create our own emotional realities no matter the environment we are in.  There are filthy rich people who seem to have it all, who are miserable inside (& they’ve created their perceptions and thought realities) enough to have taken their own lives, and smiles on the faces, and the most giving hearts & souls in so many of those people who have so little externally in other countries.

No, we cannot control (nor do all of us create- though some of us do) some of the most horrific events on the planet (starvation, genocide, dictatorship human rights abuses etc.) that happen, but we always create our own realities within these circumstances.  

Nelson Mandela is one surpreme example of that, and there are many others to be found in the stories of holocaust survivors.

I don't know at all (could be wrong) but maybe Phillip was speaking more about the Western world & less harsh conditions where we are blessed enough to have so many rights & so much taken care of already, that it is so much easier for us to be able to create a more positive thought reality than it would be for others worldwide.   But we don't.  We complain & gripe about unbelievable things by comparison to those people in such parts of the world.

Control your thoughts
and you control your emotions
Control your emotions
and you control your habits
Control your habits
and you control your character
Control your character
and you control your destiny

She has shown me the MAGIC of thought. If it is true that we are co-creators, what are we doing with that POWER? A reasonable question I think.

Yes— thinking somewhat along these lines is excellent & very true.   It’s not easy to do but any conscious emotional evolution in humankind (which is what this is a step toward) does not come without dedication & work.  



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« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2005, 10:20:08 PM »
And those are the survivors.  Death is pretty final, whether by starvation or by violence.  During Stalin's rule of The Soviet Republic, he starved his people to create an industrial base.  People were eating their own starved to death children to survive.  There comes a time when one can not leave one's survival  in the hands of others.  The right to live is a basic human right.  Or are we all just cattle?

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2005, 10:22:51 PM »
Which brings me back to the original question: do we create our realities? Maybe those of us who can pick and choose and design our realities, living in such fortunate conditions, in such wealthy countries....we are free to do as we choose. We do not have to walk 8 miles a day to collect water in a jog to carry on our heads three times a day.

And when those people are dying from trying so hard, in a situation into which they were born -- as they are in the process of dying, are they STILL creating their own realities?

I think I am coming to some kind of satisfactory answer. And that is, that we CAN create our realities, in some ways more than others, and some people can not change their realities, some people can a little bit, some cannot at all, and some can completely design their own destinies. Those who have everything they need/want in this life. Those that fortunate....but some people are born into such harsh conditions, and they never find a way to get out of it, or die trying...are not as responsible for their own destiny and cannot create the reality of their choosing.

So realities can be created, but only if you have the means to create any reality you design. But some peoples realities are a thing they just have to accept.


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« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2005, 10:26:23 PM »
Which brings me back to the original question: do we create our realities?

Just to be clear, this is exactly & only what I was replying to.  I hadn't read any of the subsequent dialogue because it wasn't there before I created & posted mine.  



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« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2005, 10:32:38 PM »
"No, we cannot control (nor do all of us create- though some of us do) some of the most horrific events on the planet (starvation, genocide, dictatorship human rights abuses etc.) that happen, but we always create our own realities within these circumstances. "

So as someone's fist is hitting you, or you are being beaten, you can create your own reality by consciously, deliberately say to yourself "while this person is hurting me physically, it does not hurt me mentally, emotionally I am in a wonderful place....spiritually, I gain so much from this is teaching me that violence is wrong, and I am grateful for this experience of being beaten, and I love my abuser, they are hitting me so hard and it is making me happy".

Does that make sense to you? Am I then successuly creating my own reality?


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« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2005, 10:50:00 PM »
Bluetopaz wrote:

No, we cannot control (nor do all of us create- though some of us do) some of the most horrific events on the planet
(starvation, genocide, dictatorship human rights abuses etc.) that happen, but we always create our own realities within these
circumstances. "

Wispery wrote:

So as someone's fist is hitting you, or you are being beaten, you can create your own reality by consciously, deliberately say to
yourself "while this person is hurting me physically, it does not hurt me mentally, emotionally I am in a wonderful
place....spiritually, I gain so much from this is teaching me that violence is wrong, and I am grateful for this
experience of being beaten, and I love my abuser, they are hitting me so hard and it is making me happy".

Does that make sense to you? Am I then successuly creating my own reality?

Wow-I have no idea how you got to your train of thought from what I said.  If you are being punched or beaten you take appropriate action to protect yourself. Afterwards, you take it to the authorities for action.  Why ever in the world would someone say they are in a wonderful place & love their abusers (Stockholm syndrome aside for the latter) when something like that happens??

If you are interested in knowing what I am referring to better, read up on Mandella & the particular stories that are spirit inspiring, of human rights abuse survivors.  They all found ways to grow stronger, more spiritual, and more peaceful within, during their plight.  That is creating your own reality. And when you ask them if they hate their captors or would torture them in the way they were tortured/held, they say "no", what they would like is to somehow change that thinking and mindset that allows for it to happen in the world.   But by no means did they enjoy themselves.  I thought that would have been a given that needed no explanation...



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« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2005, 10:57:23 PM »
I realise it was an extreme example....that no, we cannot always create our realities...things happen beyond our control, more often than not.


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« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2005, 11:03:23 PM »
Yes, exactly.

I'm only saying that it is what we do with whatever happens to us by uncontrolled chance many times, as you say, that is up to us/our created reality.  
