Hi Learning:
I admire your 80 / 20 example anyway, even if it isn't exact. I am trying to aim for those numbers, or at least, I have great intentions too.
I'm glad the pile is getting smaller and you're walking away from it and that you are using laughter to help with the trip. I really like your description.....I can picture this steaming pile of stuff, shrinking and shrinking, and sliding further and further away, getting smaller and smaller. Soon it will dry up and disappear!!!

Let the sun shine!!!
Thankyou for your kind words, Learning. You seem the same and I'm sure there are lot's of people here who are too, and who deserve the best, including you. I hope things are working out for you in your life.
Hey Mum! That is a great song, isn't it? I love her voice.
Icecream (cheetos), when what is really needed is a nourishing soy milk smoothie, eh? (but it's so hard to resist the icecream and cheetos, sometimes, isn't it? We are only human!). It's like trying to cure a fever with coffee. Sort of like trying to build something proper with inadequate pieces, or like trying to move a mountain of stuff with a little dinky dump truck.
Stepping Stones
I struggled to move boulders
And many an obstacle
Out of my way.
I wore myself out
Pressing against them,
Pushing in vain;
Then wept at my own inadequacy
And their relentless strength.
And then, one spring morning,
I listened to the birds and felt refreshed
Watching their trusting flight
Above the dangers and the discontents.
"Oh, to have wings," I prayed.
"But you have feet." the answer came.
"Were they not meant to climb?
And hands, are they not able to cling?
I have put stepping stones for you
and rocky promontories fitted to your hand.
Look up and scale the heights."
And lo! my obstacles,
Which I had tried to shove out of my way,
Were stones to climb upon
Out of the marshy bog.
And from each one another came to view,
And none of them was singly hard to reach.
And when they seemed too steep,
I stretched my hand above
To feel it close upon a firm, strong aid,
And laughed to think I was so blind
A few short suns before.
Gertrude Helen Crawford