I had therapy tonight, it was a waste. She looked me like she doesnt know where to begin. I need to know from you out there that I am not crazy. You have been here with me. I need to know that this woman has problems that were beyond me. I need to know that I didnt do something so tragic to make a woman buy me porn on xmas, ruin all our holidays, I still love the fascade, why do that to me? How can a person say that I need to give 80% and accept 20% and say that is acceptable? I need to know that my needs are normal and not hurtful to a woman. I only tried to make her feel loved, but she says I was looking for others. How can that be? I hate her for making me feel like she loved me and then dumped me. I told her about my dad to ease up on the techical terms. Not to stop talking about her day.here is the whole conversation
DDDBOP: I prefer just to send an email.
BKKabri: Please talk to me. Its not what you think
BKKabri: I just need to understand something
DDDBOP: what is it then ?
BKKabri: why are you being so cold to me like we never even knew each other, I am trying to be adult about this. Is that possible with you?
DDDBOP: I am not cold, I am certainly an adult.
BKKabri: Then why are you acting like I did something so horrible to you that we cant be civil.
BKKabri: One minute we are a couple and the next insecurities are flying about. I just want to know why you couldnt talk to me about it
BKKabri: I am not trying to upset you. I am trying to reach out to you to understand that I never intended to make you feel insecure with me.
BKKabri: I also never intended to make you feel that your career wasnt important
BKKabri: to me.
DDDBOP: I am not acting that way. You did not do something horrible. We had a relationship. It did not work. we are not compatible. Communication was the problem. You chose to only communicate about yourself and your experiences. My experiences were not improtant to you. You did not care to hear about them. I tlkaed to you many times about or issues. You chose not to listen. I can't live that way. I need a partner who will respect me and what I do, and treat me like I someone important
BKKabri: I do respect you very much
DDDBOP: No you don't.
BKKabri: Deena, I respect you alot.
DDDBOP: No you don't.
BKKabri: Deena, please understand what I am trying to say. It is hard to write
BKKabri: I made a mistake by not understanding your career.
BKKabri: I dont know the differece between a nurse practionter and a nurse. Thats because I am not that bright in medicine
BKKabri: I wanted to hear about your day, I really did.
BKKabri: Sometimes I just didnt understand
BKKabri: it wasnt intentional
DDDBOP: I spend 80% of my day trying to save lives and help people feel better. I need a partner who will spend 80% of their time nurturing me. I deseve that, I intend on having that.
BKKabri: I wanted to nurture you
DDDBOP: You wanted to nurture yourself
BKKabri: thats why I was there trying to show you a good time by sharing ourselves
BKKabri: I dont want to nurture myself
BKKabri: I bought you the palm pilot because I knew you needed it
BKKabri: thats not nurturing
BKKabri: ?
DDDBOP: We did not share our lives because it was always about you and your needs. I was just on the sideline.
BKKabri: you were not a sideline Deena
DDDBOP: Yes I was.
BKKabri: I loved you, and wanted nothing more than to make you happy
BKKabri: I wanted nothing more than to be with you
BKKabri: and nurture our relationship
BKKabri: I am sorry you didnt get the message when I said I wanted to share things together.
BKKabri: our lives our feelings.
DDDBOP: Well, you did not show it. I wanted to feel like I was the most improtant person in your life. I never did.
BKKabri: you were the most important person to me
BKKabri: you still are
BKKabri: Deena, I would have did anything if you would have just let me in
DDDBOP: No I was not.
BKKabri: to your heart
BKKabri: I dont understand why you feel like this
BKKabri: I tried to spend every night with you and bonding with you as a couple
BKKabri: I knew you needed to study,so I gave you space to do it.
BKKabri: If you needed more, all you needed was to ask
DDDBOP: I did let you in. I exposed everything about myself to you. The good,bad, and ugly. It was never good enough. You were always searching for something or someone else.
BKKabri: never searching for anybody else.
BKKabri: I was always there with you
DDDBOP: Doubtful.
BKKabri: Thats why I became so upset when you mentioned other women
BKKabri: I was never looking.
DDDBOP: Again, doubtful.
BKKabri: On Valentines Day, I tried to make you the center of attention
DDDBOP: Well, it did not work.
BKKabri: I bought you roses, a necklace, dinner, and you still wouldnt let me in
BKKabri: your heart
BKKabri: instead I am being yelled at about VH1
DDDBOP: Did you misunderstand what I previously mentioned?
BKKabri: no, you stated you had insecurrities. I didnt know until October. If I am not understanding, then please let me know. I am sorry if I am missing something
DDDBOP: My insecurities, which now am I finally over, were in large part ignitied by you.
BKKabri: how is that possible? I never talked about other women,
BKKabri: I always complimented you and you didnt like me saying you looked "nice or good"
BKKabri: can we please talk on the phone
DDDBOP: Again, it is a shame that you were so unaware of the insecurities which had grown between us unitl october. You were not listening to me. You chose to put me on ignore.
DDDBOP: I don't want to talk on the phone.
BKKabri: no I didnt, you never said anything, how was I supposed to know
DDDBOP: I said plenty. You chose to not listen .
BKKabri: please give me an example
BKKabri: you didnt talk about your class, instead you let it fester and make me guess what was wrong. As a couple, you could have just said that your school screwed up
BKKabri: I would have understood, its not your fault.
BKKabri: I just dont understand why you felt you couldnt tell me
DDDBOP: All those times when I said I can't feel as though I can talk about my day with you, the times I informed that the relationship is one sideded, all about you, the issues in the bedroom. Come on Brian, were even in the relatioship at all ?
DDDBOP: Look , I was unhappy for quite sometime in the relationship in the past year. You were not happy also. We were and are not meant to be.
BKKabri: you never said anything about the one sided relationship, you never said hey Brian I need to talk about my day. And the situation in the bedroom was MY FAULT! I never asked you to take responsiblity.
BKKabri: Why couldnt you just say something to make me see you needed to talk about your day. You didnt even invite me to see your work or meet your coworkers
DDDBOP: I can not believe that you can honestly state that I never mentioned I felt the relationship was one sided and how I felt uncomfortable discussing my day because it made you so uncomfortable. As far as the bedroom, I realize now that is was your issue and not mine.
BKKabri: it never was your issue. I only asked you to relax with me and maybe understand that I needed to work things thru
BKKabri: you never said the relationship was one sided or you feel uncomfortable about talking about your day.
DDDBOP: Well, I did.
BKKabri: well then why not say anything so that I could understand
BKKabri: I am not a mind reader.
DDDBOP: I said it very clearly, verbally.
BKKabri: you said it in October, not in the first year when you felt it
DDDBOP: I need to sign off soon. I need to study for my boards.
BKKabri: Deena, please understand one thing.
DDDBOP: I said it well before October. Look, we are going in circles now just as we did then. Leading to nowhere.
BKKabri: then hear this
BKKabri: no more circles
BKKabri: I love you Deena, and I am sorry that this all happened. If I was a bad listener, it was unintentional. I just wanted you to know that I never wanted anything from you other than to make each other happy and grow together. Its hard to understand though when you had these insecurities and wouldnt help me understand so that I could do a better job of helping each other through them
BKKabri: I guess you dont understand that doing things outside the norm (christmas, valentines day, anniversary) really caused me to back off because I didnt understand
BKKabri: and just so you know, we were in a relationship. you said you loved me and I was your best friend. I dont know where that went, but if you really loved me, then you could have told me how you felt and worried about our relationship diminishing
DDDBOP: Brian, I wish the best and all that is good in life. I know you will be successful and happy. I certainly don't hate you, the relatinship's failure was a result of the two of us. Nobody is to blame. It just did not work out. I tried to help you understand my insecurities. I guess I did not communicate them clearly enough. Again, nobody is to blame. I do believe in fate. It was not our fate to be together forever. I did love you at one time. But that that love faded. I need love that will alst forever.
BKKabri: Thats what I was trying to do. By the way, you spent 80% of your time with your job and wanted 80% nurturing from me. That is what I am trying to say. You gave me 20% of your time and I wanted a relationship that was at least 50%
DDDBOP: Well, I am sorry you feel that way. Just one more reason why our relationship did not last.
BKKabri: do you know what naricisissim is?
BKKabri: you should look it up.
DDDBOP: Which I am not.
BKKabri: You may want to reconsider.
BKKabri: you told me that I dont make enough
BKKabri: money, what is my five year plan.
DDDBOP: Oh my God. Now your reaching. I never said that. I take offense to that.
BKKabri: you said that when you broke up with me. I am the one who should be offended
BKKabri: this is what I am talking about
BKKabri: you deny everything
DDDBOP: I can not believe you are lying to yourself now.
BKKabri: dont even go there
BKKabri: you bought me porn on xmas, freaked on valentines day and said all that cruel stuff in your house
BKKabri: you said you want a man who is going to make as much as you
BKKabri: I wont waste anymore of your time. I now know how immature you really are and I can honestly say that somebody needs to look in the mirror and realize they lie way too much. you actually told my mother that you have a xmas party for your neighbors. I was there for two years and you never had a person over. You actually threw Michelle out the door. We had an amazing conversation about how you talked to her in June like you were best friends and then you act like you know her
BKKabri: dont know her
DDDBOP: Look, I am done with this conversation. I don't even know what you are talking about. It has now taken a bad turn. I have said enough. I am sorry things ended up this way. I am signing off now. I wish you the best in your future. Please respect my wishes, and do not contact me.
BKKabri: I wont
DDDBOP signed off at 2:14 PM