Thanks all for your support and replies below.
I was thinking about it long and hard, & these are my immediate thoughts and feelings.
* for those of us who've lived with a narcissist or other emotionally impaired person not only have we lived without real intimacy/ closeness for a long time, we've been made to feel it was our fault & something wrong with us & WE'RE NEVER GOING TO BE REALLY APPRECIATED/LOVED....
So the first person who comes along and offers any crumb of intimacy, it's so needed- even if it's just a handful of crumbs from someone who has picked up on our vulnerability & worked out if they're kind we'll do something for them.
* which brings me to my next point: QESTION THIS! unless someone has known and loved you reciprocally as a friend for years: view with suspicion anyone who is attracted to you when you're at a low point, or who wants to help you.
There are kind people, thank goodness, and they'll prove their worth and kindness over time no matter what we do.
But also there are people- I hesitate to say it, but mainly men, for whom the nurturing thing isn't quite a social norm for most- who are drawn to vulnerable women, women who are feeling & maybe even looking unattractive... WOMEN WHO ARE GRATEFUL FOR EVERY BIT OF ATTENTION THROWN THEIR WAY.
And why? It's nice to tell ourselves we've finally found the perfect person of our dreams...but more likely it's they're insecure, have major problems of their own- which you won't know for a while because it switches so subtly from you being supported to being t\support- or the plans they have in mind ( multiple-relationships, cheating etc ) would not be accepted or sustained by someone in a good place emotionally.
*which brings me to my next point- why not just accept the crumbs of comfort for a while?
Because such a person is- you guessed it- incapable of real intimacy so once you let them clsoe and expect more, you'll be let down and your sense of 'what's wrong with me?' will be even stronger.
There are times in our lives for accepting second-best situations...when we're at our most vulnerable and recovering from severe pain isn't one of them.
Value and protect yourself for a long time after any trauma.