Hi everyone
I recently found this website while looking for some information on NPD. From briefly skimming through, I can see that everyone here has their own experiences with this, and hoped that I might be able to find a little support and advice.
Last year I met a man who swept me off my feet. He was so complimentary, sensitive, romantic and, within moments of meeting me, seemed to worship me like some sort of goddess. At first I was stunned that a man like this might actually exist! He wrote me songs and poems, brought me presents at work, wanted to see me every single second and proposed within a matter of weeks - I was smitten. But more overwhelming than this were his words to me. He told me at least 40 times a day that he loved me more than anything, that I was the most beautiful woman in the world, that I was his perfect dream woman and that God had made us for one another - it really was intoxicating, and quite hypnotic.
However, we moved in together and things rapidly deteriorated. It started small, like him telling me that I wasn't really good at various things (cooking/cleaning, etc) but this was always followed by 'but it doesn't matter because you're so beautiful and I love you'. If anything went wrong, it was always because of me...again, it didn't matter because he loved me so much. It started getting bigger though, like him not telling me who he was on the phone to, or who had sent him a text message because I would be jealous and he was just protecting my feelings by not telling me?! I told him about my dream of leaving work to study to become a nurse, and he would tell me every time not to do it because I would make a terrible nurse. Every time we argued about something it ALWAYS was turned around to be my fault...perhaps because I was insecure and paranoid, or because I was dissatisfied with other areas of my life so I was causing arguments and I should see a therapist. All the time, I was feeling my self-confidence disappearing and becoming more and more dependent on this man for my self-esteem. I tried to leave a few times but was always enticed back with words of how much he loved me and would fight for me forever and how we would have a perfect future together. It continued to get worse though as we would fall out if I went down a different aisle from him in the supermarket, or if I didn't sleep close enough to him, with my body touching every part of his. He seemed to need CONSTANT attention - I've never seen anything like it. He was at the doctors all the time, took hundreds of different medicines, yet seemed perfectly healthy to me. He even once made me call an ambulance as he writhed and screamed in agony on his bed, but seemed to recover as soon as the paramedics started fussing over him and put him on a stretcher. I could never sit alone without him coming and asking to have cream applied to his skin, or his legs massaged, or just some form of attention, it was so draining. He also seemed to me to be a very accomplished liar. There was nothing that he couldn't do, or wasn't good at. Every achievement, or skill appeared to be blown out of all proprtion. He also talked a lot about moving to other cities and countries without any consideration as to the effect it would have on my own life.
Just over a week ago, I came home to find something carelessly abandoned on my bed that seemed to be placed there to cause me more insecurity (a computer printout of a very explicit MSN messenger conversation which churned my stomach.) I actually felt as though I was going mad, packed up my things and left. So far, I have had the strength to stay away, but the pull of the memories, and how he treatd me in the beginning are very powerful. He texted to ask if I was ever coming back and when I replied that I wasn't sure, he just seems to have vanished.
I recently read an article about people with NPD and many of the symptoms described seem to fit with this man. I'm sure that everyone here has a lot more experience and knowledge of the condition than I do, and I just wanted to ask if it maybe sounded like this is what he has. The article described how it was to be in a relationship with a sufferer...the elaborate courtship and being made to feel like a goddess, but how they just use you as a supply of adulation for themselves...it all seemed to ring true for me.
I am finding it terribly difficult to think that I have given up a person who could be some perfect in the beginning....but if he does suffer NPD, then its not really genuine, is it? I am not sure where to turn for help or support. I am trying every day to convince myself that I have done the right thing and that I am better off by myself or with someone whose feelings are genuine.....but the way he treated me when he was nice is almost like a drug and I am struggling to stay away and remain without contact. Sometimes I wonder if all the compliments sort of brainwashed me!
If there is anyone out there who has been in the same situation, or can let me know where I can find any more information, then I really would be very greatful. I am sorry for the long post, or if I am looking for information in the wrong place, but it helps to get this off my chest!
Thank you for reading
India x