my next question, for anyone who wants to answer...what i do about her husband (my dad) who i love very much (he is a wonderful father) who cannot see any of her flaws? everytime i say something to him about how awful she is being to me he can't believe it? (i just mentioned it for the first time about a week ago) should i just stop bringing it up since he cant see it? man.....then who do i turn to? i just feel like i lost my whole family
Everything I've read here, and in books on the subject, suggests that this desire we have to get everyone to "see the truth" is (1) a natural part of growing up with these people (since they lie to us, including lying about their emotions), and (2) impossible.
It's so tough to give that up! It's my biggest struggle. But your dad doesn't want to see it. He isn't going to just suddenly see it now. And it's likely he has his own stuff (to use a clinical term!) going on that explains why he is there in the first place. Explaining it all to him in bitter detail, using just the right examples and the right words-- I know that fantasy well. It's just not one that can come true.
As for your Mom's tears, I recognize that pattern. I had it in my family, too, with the random and strangely forceful rejections followed by very emotional "reunions" with expressions of "remorse" and "sadness." And I was always made to feel guilty somehow about all of this-- if I reacted with anything negative throughout the process then lots of tears would flow and I would be told something along the lines of "I love you but obviously you don't feel the same way." It was like some really badly made Italian movie. It can do a number on you.
If your instinct to her tears is "here we go again!" then trust that instinct.
Hang in there. We are all here because it's a long process, and it's nice to know there are fellow travelers.