just to try and think about it now is to feel ashamed that you're not what people see, you're not what you think you should be, your life is a shell.
There is no need to feel ashamed about this at all (though I appreciate you feel what you feel). One thing I can tell you for sure, is that most people are not what they allow others to see. You would be astounded to know what goes on in people's private lives & inner selves, where no one would have an inkling. Some of these things are so unbelievable and contrary to the professional, successful "put-together" outer selves that they show the world.
The individual list of things that people can hide from the world is extremely varied, and endless. You see this all the time, working in counseling & therapy related professions, and it is
very, very common for people to say that they feel like a fraud specifically because of outer & inner differences.
Some people actively
try to make the outer look very different to compensate for a chaotic inner.
Everybody has their own stories related to their true selves, and most of the time we only share these things with few trusted people, if that. I think it is natural to be more surface level with more people (that we aren't that emotionally close with) than not. Being more surface level can't help but portray a different image, but there is nothing we can do about that.
The stuff inside is just another aspect of us, and it is natural to have different aspects that make us up, and also keeping certain aspects private. Many of them are no one's business.
As far not being where you, yourself think you should be... I can relate to that in a
mega.... way. I feel this way very strongly & I'm trying to see reasons why & trying to figure out what I can do about it. Not easy, because when you figure out why, you still have to get through the hard feelings of whatever was always stopping you…
Which brings me to a big mental leap for me here: I'm thinking that since I engage in these half-assed relationships and turn down or run away from anything more substantial...maybe I can't do intimacy right now either, at least not until this huge emotional open wound heals some more?
This is a big insight. I came to the same conclusion for myself not that long ago. I can see from my past relationship choices & what I tend to be attracted to now
before I examine it

. When I went further with that kind of thinking it made even more sense. But what a surprise….
It feels like if I had someone I knew I could really trust, I could heal that through our relationship. But how it seems to work, is that trust is built within ones own self, first…
Sometimes we do have our work cut out for us.