Hi Chicksquip, maybe we should have an INTJ thread? What would we talk about?....*starts thinking*...
if I was born an INTJ to a N mom, wasn't I kind of set up to be a total misfit from the get go.
I don't know if my mom is an N. She seems to be a severely unhealthy extravert who lives in a reality known to only herself. No empathy, treats people as objects, no conscience, no sense of responsibility, actually very little emotion at all...INTJ kid watched, listened, came to the conclusion I must be a bit mad myself. She said to me "you're so
logical!" as though it's a curse, something to be ashamed of. Oh yes, and "you're
too honest" (so I started lying, I guess that's logical too?

I became a howling success in business.
Good! Is it good? I survived sometimes by the skin of my teeth. Did okay at work for a while but it was killing me so I stopped. Haven't much idea of what lies ahead.
Somehow I have been blessed with a handful of old and lasting friends who love me. I've often thought they must see something in me that I can't see.
That you are lovable! And thoughtful, balanced etc and see things in an interesting way? Do people say that to you?
I was not socialized as a child or allowed to express emotions.
Ditto. I've had terrible trouble learning how to 'chat' with people. And have expressed the 'wrong' emotions sometimes in public, not gauged the group feeling correctly. Whoops...
I was controlled (can't do that to an INTJ who requiires almost total autonomy).
I was controlled to a ridiculous extent. No friends allowed to visit, walk about quietly, trapped in a remote location. I'm thankful I wasn't an extravert. I'd have gone really nuts, maybe.
If her weekend social calendar is not filled up by Wednesday evening, she goes into a tizzy.

I worry if I have one social appointment a month!
if you set boundaries where you only do those things that are mutually enjoyble, you can have the best of both sides of the coin.
Agreed. And afterwards, we can have a good lie down to recuperate! P