Thanks for all your helpful replies.
Bunny: as usual, you are the voice of reason. thanks for validating my parenting as well.
Mia: my ex actually is remarried. People are always surprised by that. His behavior is not that of a man who has moved on. I am amazed that she puts up with his obvious obsession in messing with therapist told me she is like his luietenant (sp?)as a result of likely abuse and he constantly refers to "WE" instead of "I" now (what to make me afaid of her?).. I'm pretty sure from things my kids have said to me that he cheats on her but she is right there with him hating me (my kids hear this)...she may also be in it for the money, or he may be allowing her to do whatever, or she will take him to the cleaners! Unfortunately, that relationship has not taken his focus off me.
yes, I will think of you when I bemoan the years left!! Hang in there yourself!
Vunil: confronting him with his narcissism is something I have done in discussions where I point out to him that the world doesn't work so that everything goes his way. He is usually stumped as to what to say, either that or that concept doesn't even get through his self absorbed skull ("does not compute")as in I am speaking an alien language. I will save any NPD diagnosis or terminology of that for a therapist who will be evaluating our custody arrangements. I am hopeful, yet not attached to, that person actually figuring him out.
(the family courts are a mess. the good guy winning is just a crap shoot
and hey, you can't lose 'em all!)
Guest from afar: The idea of spelling things out for him like a child is what I do regularly. He usually responds with more rage. Oh well. I try to do it with detachment, which, I know encourages his rage (because I don't take his anger on, and it stays with him). I consult with my attorney on many things before I reply, as I consider it money well spent.
Bludie: Yes, staying strong is key. Discussing it with fellow recoverees (is that a word) has helped with that emmensely.