being this way is more about how I am and how I talk about things, rather than WHAT I walk about. Is that INTJ enough for this thread?

Yes! It’s all about how and why, forget the who, what and where. The facts don’t matter this time, it’s the
reason why that matters. But it might be different next time too! I’m open to alternative suggestions….
Black and white is so far away from me, I only see the world in subtle shades of grey.
It’s so difficult doing those personality tests isn’t it? It depends……. I know. I have lots of opinions, some of them are contradictory…(joke).
"I'm the kind of person who likes x."
Mmm. Interesting. Almost leaving a possibility for change? What’s your favourite colour? What kind of music do you like? These sorts of questions drive me *nuts*. All colours! What for? Eating? Wearing? In a picture? Music? I haven’t heard everything yet, but most of what I’ve heard, I like!
Where do INTJ's hang out?
Have you seen
www.intjlist.org ?
I know we are only <1% of the population, but there have to millions of others out there. How is it that it feels like I never run into others?
Oh you mean
for real?!
Because they don't go out much?
Correct for me!
Because I don't go out much?
Where do we go when we do go out? Bookstore, coffee shop, grocery store, concerts, lectures?
Yes, yes, yes, no concerts, yes.
Probably not as much to clubs, sporting events, etc.
No. I reckon the ‘thinking’ sections in the library/bookshop. Psychology, social sciences, politics, philosophy, management books, hard sciences, travel? But you know what we’re like. A total obsession for me at one time might be last year’s thing so there’s the problem, we don’t stay the same. Maybe I’ll get myself a small INTJ badge. Maybe I could sell them over the web – ha ha! - like we’d want to display our belonging to any group

! Independence is one watch-word. And perhaps our problem? I live with a male INTJ. I guess we’re eccentric but content (sometimes) with it. I think. BTW I love your revelations to self on your thread. Heart-warming stuff, seeing change in action. Heart-warming? Maybe I mean stimulating?
Insanity is what I fear more than anything else.
I’m serious about your perceptive abilities above October, it opened my eyes. Do I fear insanity above all else, now, I wonder? I don’t fear
insanity as such. Which way would I go? Towards not knowing where the voices were coming from – inside my head, or in external reality. I can see that, not knowing the difference and of course if other people tried to tell me what was real and unreal, I wouldn’t believe them because I wouldn’t
know that they were
real. Mmm. Do I
fear that though. Not in itself. What I’d fear is
the process of being driven insane. I know the circumstances that would drive me insane. Being trapped, tortured, having daylight removed, not knowing where I was, what day or time it was…not having any control of my world. On the other hand, I still fancy that desert island. So what do you fear about insanity? And how would you 'choose' to go insane? Schizophrenia or manic depression? Can you imagine being manic, actually physically moving around fast and too enthusiastically? I can’t see me ever doing that. If you think about how you might go insane, it might reduce the fear. Fear is usually of the unknown and the not-understood. Insanity is a catch-all description for losing the ability to know the difference between what’s inside your head, and what’s out there, in the touchable world. That’s all it is, getting the two confused.
I've caught myself wondering if INTJ's relate to God similarly to the way they relate to their fellowman? I mean, how does one's personality (speaking of Briggs Myers/Keirsey typing) affect the way they perceive God or relate to Him?
Big question. I don’t know. I don’t know what I mean by ‘God’, let alone what other people mean. I’m fascinated that apparently since we started to think, we had a notion of a superior being. Why? Is it because being conscious is too scary to contemplate without their being a reason? Why are humans able to think? I say, why not? Why does there have to be a higher being? Why do we ask these dumb questions? Because our brains are wired that way? What about our concept of time? What if it’s wrong? How does a rock experience ‘time’? Does it? Maybe not. Maybe it ‘experiences’ come kind of pure ‘existence’. The rock has a sense of ‘existing’ that is time-less. Existing as particles, then as rock, as particles…etc.. IF and it’s a HUGE if, I relate to ‘God’ then yes, it’s exactly the same as I relate to other people. I think ‘God’ might be a part of us all, in some way, whatever, so it would seem to follow that…
sometimes I bore myself and run out of words.Is this question too weird?
Ha ha!

Did I already answer that?
or the prophesy-heehee
I don’t get it? Why is the test a prophesy? Sorry I’m being dense. Must have exhausted myself up there.
I recall, Portia, that you posted in the "Anything" thread that you go back and forth between INFJ and INTJ.
Yep! I also said in the first post here:
But really, I felt I was an INFJ and now I think I’m an INTJ.
Maybe that explains?
Can you tell when you are feeling more like one than the other?
I can tell when I’m responding with feelings. And if I think about it, I can identify where my feelings come from (in the present, or residue from the past). But in the final analysis, the thinking will prevail. Head or heart? Head.
PS. Random quote from the intjlist site:
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife. - Douglas Adams