Author Topic: most narcissistic comments ever  (Read 45200 times)


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most narcissistic comments ever
« Reply #120 on: March 13, 2005, 02:38:52 PM »
Just a thought - why is no one ever related to a nasty historical perosn?! You never get anyone (N or not) who says, "Well, yes I've been tracing back my family tree and I've found that I am a true descendant of Frank the Stupid. You know that King who lost an empire, f@*cked up the lives of his whole country and then died in an act of auto-erotiscism? That was my great-great-great-great grandpa!!"

Never happens!!

P.S. Obviously I made Frank the Stupid up, but looking at me and my family, if he did exist we have the kind of luck that would have him as a distant relative!!


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« Reply #121 on: March 14, 2005, 07:12:47 AM »
When my sister started therapy to deal with the crappy way our mother had treated her, mother dearest's response was:

"I hope you tell him my side of the story as well."

She sure does get what therapy is about!
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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« Reply #122 on: March 14, 2005, 10:57:32 AM »
Sleepyhead, October, Cadbury, Mum, Vunil and all on the pages before the page before last …. this thread ahhhhh… well, we aren’t the crazy ones, okay, maybe I am. Sheeesh the Enron quotes. I don’t whether to laugh or let my stomach do the talking. The world sure is a crazy place. I might resurrect an old topic: what did the crazy people around you do or say on 9/11? It was an old thread.

The way some peoples’ partners/parents responded was quite incredible – bringing the day’s events back to being all about them. Any stories you want to share? My mother just wanted to be there (she’s in the UK), amongst it. Maybe because that’s where the world’s attention was focussed and therefore, she could be part of that attention? Her motivation sure wasn’t to help out. I spent the day in front of a TV, like many here. In shock, trying to reconstruct my ideas about the world. But yeah, odd reactions to 9/11…any out there?


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« Reply #123 on: March 14, 2005, 12:37:44 PM »
But yeah, odd reactions to 9/11…any out there?

oh-- I have one or two of those!  I used to live in New York, knew people on one of the airplanes, in both buildings, etc.  So it was a personal tragedy for me, as it was for all of us really. I didn't come out of shock for about a year and cried for the first month pretty much nonstop.

Ok, so I had been going to the local liberal church. The minister, who I like even though he is N as can be, had been talking for a couple of years about his favorite political issues-- the US is terrible, everyone else in the world is better than we are, we are responsible for the ills of the world, whatever.  He wasn't always completely wrong but his views were so dramatic, extreme, and overstated that he couldn't help but sound a little silly and paranoid.

So Sept. 11 happens on a Tuesday.  I am really needing comfort on that Sunday.  And Sunday, he just gives his same sermon he has been giving for years, only this time he uses the tragedy as evidence that he was right!  Of course, the only explanation for this horrible tragedy was that (insert very long arguments about the US here, including Vietnam, Watergate, slavery,  treatment of Native Americans, McDonalds, whatever).  The worst part was, he seemed thrilled.  All of those people had died so he could make his Big Point (whatever it was exactly), and it was fine with him.  More than fine, GREAT. He glowed with excitement.

Later I told him I had been offended by his insensitivity (many people actually walked out of the service) and he told me "I guess some folks just aren't ready to hear the truth."

Uh, thanks.


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« Reply #124 on: March 14, 2005, 01:55:15 PM »

Great story about your minister - the old "You can't handle the truth" rationalization. :-)  My therapist at the time made a comment about how the U.S. had it coming or some kind of crap. That was the beginning of the end of our therapy relationship. For one thing, I didn't want to hear her political views. For another, it was such drivel that I lost respect for her. She became a crackpot to me from then on.



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« Reply #125 on: March 14, 2005, 02:28:44 PM »
Thanks for that post. Any person who puts their politics, whether left OR right, ahead of human lives and human suffering is just exactly what bunny said " a crackpot."

Blessings to your little one on the way. :)



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« Reply #126 on: March 14, 2005, 02:55:54 PM »
Not about 9/11, but the Tsunami.  I was in the car on the 28th with my dad, going to visit my cousin for a party.  I said how terrible and shocking the events were, and that to date the death toll was 15,000 and rising.  I said that C was following the events (as she was) and keeping note of the death tolls for each country, as well as the amounts promised in aid.

Dad replied, 'Yes, but in the battle of the Somme there were 20,000 British soldiers killed in the first day alone.  Can you imagine that?  20,000 in one day!'

Very difficult to know what to say after that.  However, I persevered, and said, this is a different situation.  The Somme was a terrible tragedy, but this time it is mostly children.

He said, it is children, is it?  And I said, yes, the charities involved say that up to one third of the dead are children.

He didn't say anything more.  

Dad is not N, although he is main supply (and subject of derision) for Nmum.  But he couldn't handle the pain of anything less than 90 years old.  And no, he was not at the Somme.  Nor in WWII.  Too young.


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« Reply #127 on: March 15, 2005, 06:54:18 AM »
therapist at the time made a comment about how the U.S. had it coming
I guess she didn’t consider herself to be “the U.S.” as such, even by nature of being there? I love that kind of “it’s their fault” or “what will they think of next?” attitude. A certain lack of any responsibility or feeling of connection with other humans perhaps…. :roll:

October, well your Dad, it sounds as though he’s trying to be The Dad who knows more than you and you’re the child who needs to be taught about life, by him. Sad. Some parents will never accept that we’re adults, with our own equally valid views and thoughts. Maybe it’s too threatening? But at least he stopped when you said children were killed. It made him think, pity he couldn’t voice what he thought (I wonder what he was thinking?).

Vunil, exactly the kind of reaction I was imagining. Sick!


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« Reply #128 on: March 15, 2005, 09:36:54 AM »
Brigid mentioned "Love means never having to say you're sorry" To me on another thread. I thought it deserved to be here, together with another greeting card favourite: "Love me most when I deserve it least, because that is when I need it the most" :!:  :shock:  :x Sounds like the order a lot of us here have been obeying for a long time....
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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« Reply #129 on: March 15, 2005, 10:00:13 AM »
Hello All:

As bunny stated it does not matter your political affiliation (almost typed affliction! LOL) or whether you are a liberal or conservative person at church.........the result is the same.......over 3,000 people lost their lives.  To revel in those losses in any country at any time, is another inhumanity toward mankind.   A fine example of this is the Colorado professor who called those in the Twin Towers "Nazis" deserving of their death.  He is a truly sad creature.  I am sure there was a seed of "intelligence" there at one time, but he has grown into a full blown N.  Conversely not all Muslims are manical indivdiuals bent on destruction and the lives of their children.  It just takes a few in the different faiths to bring about tragic results.  Jim Jones is another example of Christianity run amok.  Or Jeffery Applegate, Jim Baaker etc.  Just my 2c.  Patz


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« Reply #130 on: March 15, 2005, 12:17:07 PM »
A fine example of this is the Colorado professor who called those in the Twin Towers "Nazis" deserving of their death. He is a truly sad creature.

Yes, poor thing.  If you read his comments it's clear he just wants a bunch of attention. He sounds like the unibomber.  The whole text is actually worse than some of those  horrible quotes.

You are right it doesn't matter what side of the political lines one is-- after September 11 Jerry Fallwell allowed as how this was one more piece of evidence that lesbians, abortionists, and other sinners had better just cut it out!  

It is the height of N to think that a tragedy is somehow an expression of your own narrow personal philosophy. Just the simplification that has to happen to push an event into one little cubby like that is typical N.  It can't be that Osama is crazy as a loon AND we could have more sensitive public policy sometimes AND the taliban were a pretty weird group to support AND we may have had no choice because they were the only ones fighting the russians, AND the people who died are innocent AND some of the folks in our government (throughout the years and administrations) have not been innocent AND the tragedy might have been preventable AND it might not have been AND AND AND.

I remember telling an N ex that I thought that things were not as black and white as he insisted and he just looked at me completely unable to process what I was saying.

Oh well that's what makes them so funny !


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« Reply #131 on: March 16, 2005, 11:37:54 AM »
Just got a seething e-mail from my distant father, raging about me and my brother's choice to stay the heck away.

'How could any two sons be any worse in their relationship with their father and his family?'

To which my therapist replied 'the Mendez brothers?'

My Dad, being a Narcissist, of course has to have the worst sons in the world.  Just mildly bad doesn't cut it.  I like how it's 'his' family and not mine.  Hmmm, we are related, Dad.

Stormchild Guesting

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« Reply #132 on: March 16, 2005, 08:48:10 PM »
Mine's the tsunami again. I was house sitting for someone (very N entrapment, conned me in to thinking it was for a week, in the Caribbean, when it was for 28 days, in Southeast Asia!!! and there were animals involved, so I had to be there twice a day for their sakes)

This clown's tour group was IN THE PART OF ASIA WHERE IT STRUCK, THE DAY IT STRUCK, and the idiot was angry at me for INTERRUPTING HIS FUN to try and find out if they were safe.

I later found out that several people from his group spent the rest of their vacations helping in the areas hit hardest. Not this guy, even though he's a healthcare professional. Gave me the idea for a new non-profit: Doctors Without Consciences.

Then he came back to the States and wanted me to go watch "Hotel Rwanda". Sweet suffering JC on a Moped!!! (sorry mudpup)


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« Reply #133 on: March 16, 2005, 09:56:41 PM »

Sweet suffering JC on a Moped!!! (sorry mudpup)

Why wouldn't JC ride a moped? :?



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« Reply #134 on: March 17, 2005, 08:27:53 AM »
Why wouldn't JC ride a moped?

Mudpup: Although I'm not religious I've always had agreat respect and liking for good ol' JC. I see him as more of a Harley man though... Can't you see it? Long hair and beard flowing in the wind (being who he is, he wouldn't need a helmet), a pair of cool shades, as he rushes to help the next person on his list.... 8)
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage