Author Topic: She doesn't get it.  (Read 6486 times)


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She doesn't get it.
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2005, 04:47:06 PM »
Ok, I started it...

Everyone post away!  I hope it doesn't offend anyone...


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N quotes
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2005, 06:38:37 PM »
Okay no problem - my mother has to be the worst offender in the history of lying and misrepresentation so here goes.  I will structure it as hER QOUTES and then the FACT just to highlite the degree of "sickness"?  I don't know what to refer to this stuff as .  All I know is that it's these kinds of things that I've been frustrated trying to untangle and defend against my entire life.  It frustrates me to even have to type them - my anger comes to the surface.  These are the kind of things she says to people, even when one or all of her kids were present (when we were still living under her control and didn't have a voice)  

her claim/statement - "the thing I'm most proud of is the job I did raising my kids"
FACT - She has never had a single meaningful exchange with any of her kids (other than abuse)and none of us want anything to do with her.  

her claim/statement - "My strongest qualities are truth and honesty"
FACT - She literally has never uttered the truth no matter how big or small the situation.

her claim/statement - "I have a couple of Degrees from this university"  
FACT - While driving past the university that my youngest sister now attends  (and who she's talking to in the car).  She took a night course there 10 years ago that she attended maybe 3 mondays in a row.  I've heard this one evolve now to two Degree's.

Actually there are 1,000's of these examples.  I wish I could better drescribe the frustration and rage that comes from living my whole life under the control of someone like this (I have a difficult time saying mother)


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She doesn't get it.
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2005, 01:16:00 PM »
I would love to add some quotes to this list...

Quote:  I've worked your whole life for you and I to have a good relationship.
Fact:  Her definition of good is one where I adore her, worship her advice and take it without question, never think for myself and never think of myself.

Quote:  I left your father so you wouldn't have to be treated badly.
Fact:  He left her.  He asked for the divorce.  He said he left her because I was making the environment difficult for him.  She actually asked me to be nice to him so he would come back (This is the sexually abusive father by the way).

Quote:  I only wanted you and your brother to be well adjusted.
Fact:  She raised us in the house with a drug using, alcohol abusing, paranoid schizophrenic.  Hmmm, wonder why we aren't well adjusted??

Quote:  You only dreamed that
Fact:  I wish to god I had only dreamed it.  

Quote: My mother was abusive and I went out of my way not to abuse you and your brother.  
Fact:  She did not abuse my brother.  I am a different story.

Quote:  I didn't know what paranoid schizophrenia meant.
Fact:  She did know that he heard voices, did drugs, drank heavily, and talked on the phone to people who were not there.  She did know that he was dangerous because she often had to wake us up in the middle of the night to go to a hotel.  Otherwise, we were all in danger.  

Quote:  I didn't know you were being abused.
Fact:  She may not have known I was being raped, but she knew about all the other stuff.


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She doesn't get it.
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2005, 01:55:53 PM »
In your original post you asked for advice. Here's mine; take it with the approprate amount of salt.
If and it is a big if, your mother is truly an N my advice is block your e-mail, return her letters unopened, concentrate on your husband and the family you are planning and leave that rotten world behind you. If she is an N she will insinute herself into your children's lives and quite possibly ruin them. And she will never change.

"I love you more than you could know"
I almost hear the violins. If she is an N she doesn't even know what love is. It is foreign to her. Ns are like the pod people in "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers". They watch normal people to see how they should act but they never get it right because there is something alien inside.
I view N as a cancer. If you cut half of it off it comes back bigger than before.
One last thing, boundaries to most Ns are simply a challenge. How can they outsmart us and prove their superiority and reassert control?
Maybe I'm hard about it, but life is awfully short to spend placating parasitic screwballs even when they are your own mother.