Good morning everyone,
And thank you, Mudpuppy, for your use of the words 'hurt' and 'wound' in your last post. The pain we feel is like a wound,it is like a deep emotional gash,and we are impatient to get over it. Maybe that is why,like Chandra,we wonder if we are holding ourselves back perhaps by posting here, reading NPD books,etc.
The only thing I know is that I feel a need,sometimes a compulsion,to write down all these confusing feelings,to somehow bring them to the outside of me. I don't think that those feelings are being prolonged by either coming to this site or by reading;I think that they would still be there,but even more scary.
Specifically on the subject of reading NPD books, I have thought recently about throwing mine away,but I have felt unable to. This is because when I read them, I find a (possible) explanation for what is otherwise totally inexplicable, ie. that another person can one day tell you how much they love you,that you are their dearest friend,etc, etc, and the next day they can quite happily accept you walking out of their life.