Update. Probably the worst weekend ever. This will sound emotionally disconnected because that is how I am left.
I went to see my friend, but rang home several times, each time my daughter told me all was well. I drove home in the early evening, and my daughter and I went to bed. Ex stayed downstairs.
I kept all my clothes on, as I always do when he stays over.
At 1am I heard a terrible noise from downstairs; crashing kind of noise. I didn't know if it was inside or outside. Then very, very loud snoring noises, very strange. Scarey. I went downstairs and found my ex on the dining room floor, unconscious, making very loud noises, not like breathing. There was blood on the carpet near his face, and he had wet himself.
I rang for an ambulance. Then I rang a friend, but he was out.

I left a message. Then I rang my next door neighbour, and he came a few minutes later, when the ambulance arrived, and took my daughter into his house, and away. By this time she had woken and was sobbing. It was one hour into her birthday.
Ex left in the ambulance. I stayed to sort some clothes for him, and to try to pull myself together. I followed about half an hour later. It was very dark and very icy. I went in to where he was, in casualty. He was lying on a trolley. I sat with him for a while. He was not comfortable. We were waiting for a doctor, and waited ages. Then he had a fit. I went to get help, and just as someone was coming with me the buzzers went off where he was, from the monitors.
A porter got me a cup of tea, while lots of people went to where Ex was and worked to bring him round.
God this is taking too long. By this time I was in real zombie mode. Couldn't talk. Couldn't do anything much.
Afterwards I was sitting there, with him, and a woman I have not seen for at least 10 years said my name. I looked at her. She came in and started talking, and I couldn't understand what she was doing there. I asked if she worked there, and she said no. Then she offered to pray for me and ex, and I wanted her to p*** off and leave us alone because it was none of her f****** business but I couldn't say anything - I just looked at her - I was in real shock - horrible shock (still am, to be honest). Anyway she said what she wanted to make herself feel better and then left, giving me her phone number on a piece of paper which I later threw away. (Apologies to anyone who I have offended by that, but her presumption was appalling.) I then sat there saying kyrie eleison (Lord have mercy) to myself over and over and over, to stop from having to think.
Cut it short. I went home after 2 hours. Next morning I went to visit, and found ex unable to stand, dress himself, eat (he had 8 stitches in his mouth). They wanted me to take him home but I refused. I said his dad would come for him. His dad came at about 2pm, and by about 3pm he had ex on his way home. Daughter saw him just briefly before he left and she was very upset by the sight. I honestly thought he was dying. His face and body and eyes were yellow from liver disease.
Ex is now banned from driving on medical orders because he could have another fit at any time. He has been told he has 5 years to live if he doesn't stop drinking. (I am amazed it is put that high. I would have said much less, but I am not a doctor.) Spoke to ex FIL tonight, and ex is apparently a lot better, now he is on a detox programme of medication from the hospital. I am pleased about that; I didn't want him to die (Mostly because of the impact that would have on our daughter, and the connections with her birthday it would leave behind.) His father said that next time ex comes to visit he can come by coach or train.
But ... there is no way I am letting that man in my house again. I spent the early hours of my daughter's 12th birthday cleaning blood and urine out of my carpet so that she would not see it when she woke up. I feel completely emotionally battered and bruised. Daughter has slept badly since, and has had very bad stomach pains and diorrea since yesterday afternoon, and is feeling very unwell. Her birthday was completely wrecked, and we are planning a trip to the zoo for next Saturday instead, as a replacement birthday.
I need to take a few days to think things through and then I need to get an injunction preventing any further contact for at least 2 years. (May be less if daughter objects, but I seriously need some boundaries here.
