Thank you all for your input.
As I said in my first post, I do not live with this man. I only visit, once in a while.
I agree that he can become very angry and violent. Afterall, the day before I moved my last box out of HIS house, he put his fist into a wall, broke almost every bone in it and stated "You should be glad it was not your face, I hit". He then, later told anyone who would listen that he broke his hand, while chopping wood and that its "no big deal, everyone does something stupid like this once in their life". I will be fine. It was just a dumb mistake. At first, I took some responsibility for his hand and the horrible condition he was in while going through several surgeries and lots of pain. Not to mention his inability to take care of himself or his home (this was his "good" hand). Lately, I am hopeful that his bad hand will remind him of the damage his uncontrolled anger/rage/drinking has done to HIS life and all of us.
Yes, I do have children. They are only mine, not his. I removed all of mine from HIS home. Afterall, when he couldn't get his way (when we lived there as a family), it was never OUR home, but HIS. That is because I married him (second marriage) when he already owned the house and never would put my name on the title. Whenever, he got angry, he would shout "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!! GET OUT NOW!"
I am still struggling between my knowledge of these painful scenarios, that have decreased since I don't live there anymore, but have not really ever gone away. He is going to a counselor for assistance with the rage/anger management. But, based on the first scenario I wrote about in my first post, it appears that the counseling he is getting, isn't working too well.
I suppose this is a common problem with abusers. They go to counseling, because they are asked to go as a condition, not because they volunteer for help. I am in denial. I realize this. I just don't HOW to get to the point where I don't seek him out and can break free. I still feel that I love him. He says he loves me........I am caught in the coda trap.
Thanks again for your advice. This is all new for me.