Author Topic: Steven Carter's New Book is Incredible  (Read 1176 times)


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Steven Carter's New Book is Incredible
« on: March 01, 2005, 12:18:04 AM »

I am nearly finished with "Help! I'm in Love with a Narcissist." WOW. I have underlined half the book. I feel so affirmed. I feel so lucky (finally) that he left me when he did. I will not re-engage with him under any circumstances. I see what happens to people when they allow their N's back into their lives. I have no more doubts about whether he is an N or not. His behavior is described to the letter in this book.

Part of me wants to send him this book, with all of my notes in it. My ex N likes to read. The main reason I won't send it is that I want no contact. But I am dying for him to see his behavior explained in such utter detail. It astounds me still that my ex N's behavior can be described by someone who doesn't know him or the circumstances of our relationship.

I highly recommend this book to those whose N's were romantic partners or mates. This is as good as I have felt since the day he left me 9 months ago.



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Steven Carter's New Book is Incredible
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2005, 11:01:53 AM »
I will definitely get the book if it helps to describe the situation and explain what I have been through.  I would not bother under any circumstances sending him the book.  He might read it, but would never see himself as having those problems.  They are incapable of understanding their own issues and certainly don't think they need help.  They view everyone else as the problem and that is why they choose to replace us.

Thanks for the info.



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Steven Carter's New Book is Incredible
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2005, 12:46:12 PM »
Part of me wants to send him this book, with all of my notes in it.

Save the postage. If you sent it to him he would send it back with a note stating that the book describes YOU to a tee.



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Steven Carter's New Book is Incredible
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2005, 12:57:07 PM »
If Steven Carter himself sent the book to your ex with a note saying, "This book is based on you!" it would do no good.

But I'm going to read it. Thanks for the recommendation.
