Brigid. I remember very well being right where you are. I am certainly not saying that to downplay or "oneup" your very real feelings, but to offer sincere empathy. It does take time. Your idea of relaxing and being patient is right on the money. Do, indeed, give yourself a break. Do forgive yourself for not knowing what to do...but actually, you have found somethings, haven't you?
I threw myself into rockclimbing and swimming when my exN and I broke up. I did feel rather I was going through the motions for the most part. I was swimming lap after lap, heart broken, not knowing what to think or do, but just to keep moving, just to do something. It was sooo strange when my kids were not in the house (but with him).. So I moved and moved....Then I was too damn tired to let my worries get to me! It was a bit of an escape, really, and maybe a running away, but it felt better than the Paxil I tried.
The rock climbing was so hard at first, like a metaphor for my struggles, just scary as hell sometimes, but just keep climbing!
I did get a hard, skinny body in the whole process (of course, too stressed to eat was part of it). Unfortunately, I've let a lot of that really go!
Honestly, though, I wish I had done more INNER work, so that when that buff body attracted the next Narc. I wouldn't have fallen so hard for the bull shit all over again. Live and learn.
So, what would I do differently? Who knows? Still the athletics, definately! But lots more time alone, without the escape from myself into male attention. That really would've helped more. I know why I did it: after years of getting NO attention and affection, just cheating and berating, it was a huge ego rush to get noticed.....and I got suckered again. Such a typical post divorce reaction, I guess...and kinda stupid.
Bunny is right on (as usual). Get to know yourself. Decide it's okay to enjoy yourself, what YOU like, what YOU want. Find that out. Dont' be bummed if you don't know it right off, how could you after what you'd been doing? It's NOT selfishness (that's the N poison talking!) to love yourself again. It's essential to happiness.
Amazing what the N's take from us, isn't it? You'll get it back. You'll get to know yourself again. Wanting back what was ours before the N took it doesn't mean you'll lose the mother in you (the ONE AMAZING thing they inadvertantly gave us, huh?).
I applaud you for your strength and wisdom, to know what is going on for you... I honor your search. Good for you. This expresses power, this quest. Bless you..... I feel like a cheerleader (except, um, like, ohmygod! without the immaturity and um, like, stupid language!)
Go, Brigid!!!