Author Topic: Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!  (Read 3341 times)


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« on: March 06, 2005, 08:37:21 PM »
Tell me I'm not crazy!

After browsing numerous website on Narcissm, I feel my ex-partner (cuz I was never good enough to be an actual girlfriend) suffers terribly from this.

Here's my story...I'm 28, he's 26. We dated briefly, he left me for an ex, (their 3rd time around) she dumps him again, and he comes looking to me for comfort. We start up again, sleeping together, but I'm only a "Friend".

I thought it was a new beginning, but it was a nightmare.
We'd hang out with friends and have drinks. I'd sleep over a lot. He'd tell me what a great woman I was, how nice, how smart, what a great cook I was. Then in the next breath would tell me all about his ex's, how FINE they were, the great sex they had - but where are they now?
Him and his last ex were into S&M, 3somes, (she was bi).

As for sex, at first he didn't want it too much, only when we we're drunk. A few times he tried some S&M things on me, but said I should be careful what "Doors I open". I found out soon enough. He would be drunk, bite me hard on my chest and arms, slap me face, pinch me, choke me during, and pull my hair. He once SPIT on my face, laughed, then licked my face. I wanted to vomit. He said he could never "Finish" with me, but never had that problem with anyone else. Maybe if I lost weight? Then he wanted me to pick up girls to bring home for us to have a "toy" as he put it. "don't worry, she won't mean anything, just someone to use & abuse".

It has been confusing to say the least. A few weeks ago he told me that things were going so well he was THINKING of asking me out again. But what if he required me to lose weight? Would I do it for him? I said yeah, I've wanted to lose some weight anyways & go to the gym. I lost 15 and things haven't changed. The past 2 weeks he has gotten the most drunk and violent yet.  I can't do anything right according to him at this point.

My sister saw bruises on my arms and finallly confronted me. I told her. I stopped calling him for several days. I broke down and wanted to see/talk to him one last time. He tells me I"M done, and that we shouldn't talk/see each other because he doesnt' want to hurt me when I see him w/another girl. He thinks he is such a find, and so great in bed. I say let the new girl be his new punching bag. No matter how much it hurts to think of him with someone else, I know he'll never change. And he'll forget about me in no time I'm sure. He won't look back.
Yet I still check my cell to see if he called, and when laying in bed alone I still have this urge to call him. I think he cares, just was F***cked up as a kid and is unable to love, just like he says.


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2005, 08:45:38 PM »
My only advice to you is to run as far away from this man as possible.  Whether or not he is an N, he is dangerous and you need to break his power over you.  He is using and abusing you.  No man who really cares about you would do any of the things he has done.  His S & M behavior is disturbed and disturbing.  Do NOT think that you can rescue or change this man.  Get away and start over.  Look inside yourself and find out why you would allow someone to treat you this way.  You deserve better and you must believe that too.

Good luck.



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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2005, 09:00:24 PM »
Brigid is right. Please listen to her. This man is filled with rage and hates women. Mayday, mayday. Get away from him and find a good therapist to help you stay away. This relationship is very destructive and this man is extremely bad news.



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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2005, 09:26:38 PM »
The others are right.  STAY AWAY!

Your X sounds very abusive.  You are a young woman and have your entire life ahead of you.  YOUTH is on your side and you have more than enough time to start over.

Please be safe and don't let him back into your life.


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2005, 10:45:13 PM »
Tell me I'm not crazy!

You are not crazy.  I really don't think you are.  Is it possible that you are just lonely and a little desparate for a relationship with a man.....almost any man?

This guy is not acting like a man, imo.  He's an animal.  I doubt very much that you want to be involved with someone who is as canine as all that.  But possibly...the wildness is kind of what seemed exciting?  Until it turned into
...a nightmare.

How about if I tap you gently on the shoulder and try to help you wake up from this bad dream? :wink:  Because it might help you to read my words?

Don't you want a two-way, loving, considerate relationship with a man?
You don't need to communicate with this person again, do you?  You can indeed decide to ignor the urge to contact him...because you know, your sister knows, the people here who have responded to you thus far know......he's not good for you (to say the least) and because he uses women.......uses women.....used a
punching bag.

He's not going to stop that and it will get worse.....with each woman he uses, I bet.

And he'll forget about me in no time I'm sure. He won't look back.

I don't know him but my best guest is that you are absolutely correct.  Lucky you!  Lucky you!  This animal will now forget you and move onto his next..... target.....

The real thing's your choice.  You can end it now and talk to others here, who will help you get through some of the mixed up thoughts and feelings you are having.  You can work on making sure that you do not let men use you like this.....that you do not let this person use you like this....again.  You can seek as much help as it takes to do that.  You can!

You are not the only person on earth who has picked the wrong guy to mix with and who has allowed stuff like this to happen.  But you have allowed it and's time ....not to allow it any more.

A big hug to you, Guest.  I know it might seem like some emotional connection you think you have with this's not.  It's a weird obsessive type of desperate need thingy.  How's that for a psychological term?? :roll:

Lot's of people have experienced something similar and have been able to overcome it.  To move on to a healthy, respectful relationship. You can too!   But it's up to you to decide to do that.



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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2005, 02:47:00 AM »
you are saving your life by getting away from him. Maybe it would help to draw an ugly picture of how gross he can be and put it by the phone or bed or wherever.


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2005, 08:05:13 AM »

This person is not an N, he is a sociopath.  Exactly what does it take for you to want something better in your life?  Do you REALLY think you DESERVE this kind of life?  Please do not call this person or contact him in any way if you value your life.  Patz


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2005, 09:27:07 AM »
It has been confusing to say the least.

This is the part of your message that really worries me.

Darlin', it isn't confusing at all!  Note how not confused we all are :)

I used to date men who toyed with me and insulted me.  They called me fat, withheld sex, all of the stuff you mention.  My friend were baffled by who I found attractive and in some ways so was I!  I realize now it was because of my childhood.  I just think it always is-- there is no other explanation for an intelligent person putting up with this behavior.  So, I will make what may be a too-strong judgment that something in your childhood led you here.

I would take your new svelte self to therapy and take care of you.  Let him find some other punching bag.   This is a major wake-up call and I'm so happy you posted here.

Please keep in touch--  this may end up being a great turning point for you. This list has some really wise souls on it (not me-- I am one of the learners!).


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2005, 10:07:07 AM »
Welcome to this "place".  People here are helpful and kind and have all been in ugly situations.  

You are not any of those negative things you stated....he is FAR worse than you imagine, even.  He has treated you as an object.  He is beyond help....get the hell away from him NOW.  I believe he will contact you again, because you have let him back in before.  Put up the biggest shield you can find.  Get professional help/ get a restraining order, whatever it takes.

Just because you were confused/it was consentual doesn't mean the sex wasn't abusive.  Get some professional help. Allowing this to happen to you/choosing it is a HUGE indication of your own self concept.  You are NOT hateful.  You deserve love first and foremost from yourself.
Take steps to convince yourself.  Therapy can be very useful to you.

and Vunil......wise soul, you certainly are....and we all are, because we are all aware that we don't know everything and we're ALL learning.  Wisdom isn't about "knowing" it, wisdom is knowing enough to search.


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2005, 10:32:30 AM »
Welcome Guest,
I sometimes feel like a fish out of water with this kind of post, but I'll stick my oar in any way. Maybe a male perspective will help.
First listen to the women here. Most have been through something very similar. Benefit from their mistakes. Get on your Nikes and run as far from this pig as you can, AND don't look back.
Find someone who you trust, who can help you understand what happened with this 'canine' (perfect, GFN). Do not consider another relationship until you do.
Finally (don't take this as a moral judgement) make the next man (if you want another one) earn his way to your heart by PROVING he is a decent normal human being first. You are worth more than "never being good enough to be an actual girlfriend." He wasn't good enough to touch you let alone be your boyfriend.
Tell me I'm not crazy!

You're not crazy! You're the victim of abuse.
I think he cares, just was F***cked up as a kid and is unable to love, just like he says.

He is crazy! And he's your abuser.
Please keep posting and let us know how things go.



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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2005, 03:22:46 PM »
Dear Guest,
You can (and you must) break away from this man. Please accept that he does not care for you at all;he is using you.

I know from personal experience that at this stage it feels so difficult to keep away, even when you know that someone only brings you pain,but you CAN DO IT!

Anytime you feel like calling him, I beg you to post here instead. Believe me, we need to get some space between ourselves and these 'people' before we can see them clearly for what they are. The man you describe is a ruthless sadist.

Please take it a day at a time,don't contact him under any circumstances.You are better off without a man in your life, working on yourself, than being with a man like this.

Please let us know how you're doing.


PS Remember,better times are ahead;you are on your way up!


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2005, 10:07:51 AM »
Finally (don't take this as a moral judgement) make the next man (if you want another one) earn his way to your heart by PROVING he is a decent normal human being first. You are worth more than "never being good enough to be an actual girlfriend." He wasn't good enough to touch you let alone be your boyfriend.

This is such a great point!  If there was a thumps up emoticon I would put it here.


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2005, 10:08:51 AM »
The last post was me.  :)


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2005, 02:59:34 PM »
I truly know how you feel. My ex wasn't as physically abusive as yours, but he was very emotonally controlling. Not one person could see what I saw in him. Yet, I still find myself wanting him. It is taking a lot of will power not to phone him and see him. He still comes round - I am pregnant with his child. He still tries to control me. The only practical advice I have is to keep yourself busy. Tell a few good friends about how you feel. Phone them when you want to phone him. Post on here. Watch a film. Anything. You don't even have to like it! I clean my house!! Just trying to break the link is the hardest. there will be days where you will still want him, but if you start to break the cycle now it does start to get easier. Honestly. I have been breaking up with my ex since October now, and I am getting stronger. Try not to get into situations where you may want to phone him or see him again. For me it means not watching soppy films for a while as as soon as I see all the couples I start to think "it wasn't that bad" and want him again. Just be strong. I even have a list that I look at every day of bad things he did. It sounds mad, but it stops me when I am weak. I read what he did and then ask myself if I would let anyone else I loved be with someone who did that. Reading that every day has really strengthened myresolve. Just keep on. Good luck. Keep us posted.


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Have been thru hell with ex Now seeking help!
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2005, 03:47:03 PM »
I even have a list that I look at every day of bad things he did. It sounds mad, but it stops me when I am weak.

Somebody, I think it was mum, said she kept a rubber band around her wrist for whenever she started feeling sorry for her N. When she did she would snap it to remind her of the hurt he had caused. It sounds similar. Maybe if you combined the two you'd really start to detest the thought of going back. :)