I'm not up to date with the story here but does she have the same problem as you?
C inherited coeliac disease from her dad, which was diagnosed last year. She started a gluten free diet in October, but we have been told that the pain she has may last up to a year. She has been in pain for several years, and now says she cannot remember what it is like not to have bad tummy pain. Painkillers do nothing to touch it.
Anxiety makes it worse - after her dad visited last week she was very unwell indeed - more pain than usual, and other symptoms of tummy upset.
Lots of history with school of gradually reducing attendance, and increasing illnesses, because coeliac disease affects the immune response too, and so sufferers tend to fall ill very easily, and stay ill longer, than other people. First thing to go was Brownies, then swimming lessons, then music school, then school altogether, and now she has a home tutor three mornings a week, who does nothing but maths. Her maths will be fine, but not so sure about the rest ... But she is bright, and she will catch up, I am sure.
As soon as she is better I have promised to get her dancing lessons, but so far she is not well enough.