My Dad and Mom are classic Narcissists. My brother and I grew up with a lot of abuse and emotional neglect. We're both bright, ambitious individuals.
Working through therapy, I have come to see my parents as Narcissists, and have come to accept and move on with the abuse I suffered as a kid.
What I'm really worried about is that I am a Narcissist. I've done lots of research and I fit the bill. I'm wondering if growing up in a household (lived with Dad for most of teenage years) void of real love can help shape a Narcissist, or if I'm just a guy with Narcissistic tendencies.
I am very competitive and ambitious. I'm in the arts (acting, music). Everything is about bettering my career and earning awards, praise, reviews. If I don't get a good review I am devastated and depressed and very angry. People are in my lives, but I always feel like I have to "manage" them. As if "now is the time I talk to x, so she can feel good. Okay, did that. Now I will write y and see if we're still close. Okay, good. Next up is support z so z can support me."
Contractual relationships.
I don't want to make the post too long. Basically I score really high on personality disorder tests with Narcissism, and I am very concerned about getting praise and adulation. I feel like it is possible to wean myself off this, especially as I see the monsters my parents can be. I do care about people, though it is not natural. I have to engage myself to care.
My best friend is a Narcissist. We battle each other constantly. He currently has the upperhand with praise and accolades and I'm depressed.
I want to beat him and show him I am better than him.
I'd like to shed the Narcissistic skin. Is it possible? Or is it better to just accept myself AS a Narcissist and make the best of my situation. I'm wondering also if being raised by Narcissists makes one crave attention and love, and after accepting that maybe I can heal.