Thanks everybody.
I'm not agitated anymore. It always p!sses me off when he sends his juvenile emails then I vent and rant a little and then I'm all better.
He does dig his hole deeper and deeper. You would think he would learn his lesson since so many of his emails were used against him in court. But hey, who am I to complain?
Mum, when he's picking up the kids tonight I should say, How's it going, Sparky? Nah, the kids will only suffer. It's fun to think about though.
I'll just put this email in the huge binder with the rest of them.
BTW,my attorney will be notifying his attorney about N being in contempt(failure to contact T) and if they don't respond then we will be filing an enforcement motion. I think I paid the lawyer over 6,000.00 in the past six months. Sickening, isn't it? Especially since that money could have been put towards education funds for the kids. Well, that is another thread altogether.
Thanks for being here everyone. This place is GREAT!