Hi there Portia! Thanks for the tips, it feels so good to be able to show my sister info, rather than her just cruising the internet and coming across those not-so-helpful sites. Not that I think she can't judge for herself, but since I'm the one who introduced her to the concept of NPD, she didn't get to discover it herself and might be more likely to "get lost". God, even I can't really work out what I am trying to say, but I guess I just feel responsible? Actually I feel a bit guilty about telling her, isn't that weird?

It's not that she thought our mother was sane or anything, but I guess I don't want to tell her about my crappy experience of childhood since she is older than me and feels very responsible for my happiness and feels a bit guilty about leaving home when I was eleven. As if it was up to her to be my parent! Obviously I don't agree with her there, but it just spirals into this endless spiral of guilt!

Our mother taught us well how to shoulder her responsibilities.
But anyway! Who asked me about my day?
Listen girl: I like you very much, and I'm always interested in hearing what your day was like, whether it was crappy or good!

You are my friend (at least from where I'm standing), and friends like to hear about their friends' days, ok?
I totally agree with you about intelligence not being worth anything in and of itself. If you can use it to help yourself and others, then that's good, if not, what is the point? To win money on Jeopardy? To lord it over others like an N? I think this is why I've rebelled so much against the praise of intelligence and ambition that my mother is so obsessed with. I don't care if I ever become rich and "successful", as long as I am happy and surrounded by people that I love and who love me. Not that this is any easier than becoming rich.
Any way, about your Nan, I can think of one explanation, but hopefully that is just my sick, twisted mind working. At least it would mean that your Nan was very concerned with your welfare. But it's probably just one of those weird things that we do and think are completely normal until someone tells us that it's weird. Hey, for most of my life I thought it was completely normal to interrupt people, I didn't realize that people could get offended by it.

Oh, well, I know better now. Sorry for rambling on, but I don't have a job at the moment, don't know anyone here very well (except my f, of course, but he has a job), and pretty much don't have a life right now. Pathetic, huh? Plus, my hand is much better today (it really was just tiny surgery), so I'm back to boring you all to tears!