Hi everyone
I want to first thank you ALL so much for your supportive posts and kind words. I really never expected this. It made me want to cry to see so many people who truly understand what hell I am wading through right now.
Despite the small disputes on opinion, each of you seriously made very good points and I saw where you were coming from. I'm sure it wasn't easy to deduce what I needed from my few paragraphs of information.
How about I clarify a little.
I, personally, am in therapy (just), without my husband. Not necessarily because he doesn't believe in it, but I wanted to go NOW and see a woman who has helped me in the past to see what insight and coaching help she could give me on how to deal with my MIL if my H could not. I will most likely bring up to my H that if my counselor wants to see us both, would he come? I think he would. Skeptically, though, because I am sure he feels he'd be attacked, but I like this woman and I believe she wouldn't do that. I've only seen her once on this issue (last week) and she was very understanding of just how difficult confronting his mother and changing his life long habits are going to be.
It's thin line. I am like one poster and think a good husband shouldn't need therapy to realize the havoc his warped relationship with his mother is having on his marriage, BUT ... I can also see that if this is all they have ever known, it may actually take a bucket of ice water, threats or a counselor. With my H it has taken shouting, crying, stomping of feet, and me actually telling him that if we don't get this resolved it will be the end of our marriage -- that it is that serious to me. He does realize how she is, but he doesn't always seem to see "what" things she does are warped and not warped. Although he is willing to change for the sake of our marriage, what frustrates me is that instead of seeing that something his mother is doing is reaking havoc, I have to tell him "that's %ucked up!!" I have to point out the wierdness and that is scary, otherwise he'd blithely sail on as if nothing were wrong. Oooooog.
My biggest concern is how to approach this woman, either of us, on the issues she's causing in the immediate term. The first annoyance, is the constant stream of phone calls, her needing him for this or that, since she is still settling into her house, she's needing lots of "things and help." Or, she'll call for crap like "Hi, I'm at the grocery store? Need anything?" NO ... we aren't roommates, we don't need anything and if we did, dammit we'd get it ourselves like we have for the last three years before you moved here! ARGH! One would say, don't answer the phone, but she'd just keep calling, or worse, walk over. I want her to STOP IT -- before I commit bodily harm.

Second, is her reliance on my H to begin with. She has never been like this until she decided to move in across the street. It was months sometimes before my H ever heard from her, now it's constant. She treats him like surrogate husband, like he's her husband to bounce trouble off of, to fix all her issues and maintenance problems, to drive her around and shop with her -- it's maddening!!! And he does it!
She is currently sort of keeping to herself because she has a business associate staying with her at her house until next week, so this past weekend she left us alone for the most part, but she still called a lot wanting him to "do" something. How do you bring up something like this with a person like that? I get the feeling it will NEVER go over well, but she has to be told that he is not her husband and she needs to find other ways of getting her problems solved. My H did okay this weekend trying to fend her off. He told her no, several times, but that didn't stop her from continuing to try again and again.
I could go on forever. I just have never deal with such a selfish person in my life. It just astounds me and pisses me off. She contradicts herself in many ways and it makes me want to scream. She pleads that moving here is all about my daughter, but she ignores her until it's convenient for her do so. I so don't believe it's because of my daughter. She has other grandkids, and didn't move there or even want to. But her daughter with those grand kids doesn't put up with her bullshit like my H does, so I think the whole reason she's here is because she thinks she's got a built in husband and personal slave. The grand daughter is just the icing on the cake.
Anyway, thank you again everyone. I really has meant a lot to me! Just wish I had something to offer back to any of you, which clearly at this point, I know NOTHING.