Longtire, you will become clear on a choice, hang in there.
Days before I left my H, my D told me of a dream she had.
Her Dad was telling her he was going to talk to GOD. How great it was he had the chance and she would get to talk to God because of him.
Nearby was a little skinny big eared looking human wearing a baggie dipper, sitting watching laughing..
She said I was talking and was told to stop,because God wanted to talk to my H. How she was mad at me if I would spoil the chance for God to speak with them.
I listen to her, right away I thought Why would GOD, allow my H, such a flesh loving sprit, see him. I told her the skinning guy in the big dipper must be the devil, what a whimp. What a narrsstic thought, beliving you had connections to SEE GOD.
This was my D's dream, feeling the infulance of her N-father.
Your D is growing up fast, she may want to come visit you alot more away for your spouse, having you a happier person.
Sitting quiet wihout input from outside thoughts, may help, so you hear what is really deep down. Too many thoughts can be a way to keep you from making a choice. You could panic, not sure what recommendation to take. Allowing you to procrasstinate.
Rules apply to your wife too. She thinks it's YOU with the problem.
You are not following the rules. The rule is you will always lose.
She will never admit to such flaws.
I changed my Username to OR from Onlyrenting. It's shorter and
The life of it's "All your fault"
OR a life with balance.
It's reasonable to ask for balance in your life.
Going on with the Negative more than Positive is over for me.
Think the intention for your life was to have a positive, nurturing, Love, and no need for a T, because you have balance.
Talking with Bunny is a positive thing, she is good to get straight to the problem, I'm sure you would feel better now.
Hang in there, your time will come in just the right time. .....OR