I don’t know when people decide to make a break with their N’s, but I think Alan’s right. There will come a time when the pain and internal conflict becomes too great and something must be done. For me, it was in my mid-forties and it came up “out of nowhere” because I had not dealt with it yet. The pain was manifesting as depression, living with a lot of non-specific anger, and finally culminated in a breakdown.(my term) It burst forth all at once and I later realized that it had a name, and that I wasn’t “making it up” as I had always been told. For me the break with my parents was not a decision that was made with my head. I finally got to a place in my self that Had to speak up. It was not a choice. I knew that all hell would break loose and the punishment would be severe. I was right. So I guess I am saying, is that if you expect to change the rules of the relationship with your parents, be prepared for the backlash and go forward. You will know when you are no longer willing to be demeaned and devalued and when you trust what you know to be true more than the lies you have been living with. You will know when you must do the work.