Author Topic: Dreams anyone?  (Read 57304 times)


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2005, 08:05:54 AM »

There are many reasons to dream about an X. Personally, I wouldn't rule out a pscychic connection that has not been broken. In Jungian terms, he has begun to represent your own Animus (male self) if he is the male you dream of the most. Given that your relationship wasn't good for you, this means that your inner balance between masculine and feminine are not balanced or harmonious. (otherwise you'd choose a more amiable male for a symbol.).
Do you remember more about the time/clock scenario? Without more details, there is a hint that something in your past is broken; you are not able to move on and stay current. Since your inner male is trying to fix things, and if you are just a passive observer, this shows that you are approaching this problem from a rational, action oriented mode but perhaps not letting your intuitive nature have a voice or help you make choices.

How does that fit?



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« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2005, 08:38:04 AM »

I forgot to ask you; how did you know it was me? Cause I was rolling in the mud? What did I look like?

As much as I remember, I knew it was you because we referred to you as "Mudpuppy" in the dream.  As far as what you looked like, I don't think you had visible facial features (you were covered in mud after all) since I don't have a facial image to project.  I don't think there was any Mexican food involved, but probably a written exchange between us earlier that day.  Just from reading your writings I imagine you to be (and don't ask me why because I have no idea) of average height and well built in a more stocky sense.  You will probably tell me you are 6'4" and very slender, but I will never imagine you that way.  I love to read books that are very descriptive and imagine what people and places look like.  I think I have an image in mind of everyone here.  I guess it makes it more personal for me.

Thanks, by the way, for explaining what a mudpuppy is.  I didn't know that.  I hope your wife has a good supply of laundry detergent.    :lol:  :lol:



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Power of Suggestion?
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2005, 09:01:34 AM »
Wow - I've been reading about these dreams, because I have constant, crazy, frantic dreams nightly.  The night before last I had a nightmare of losing my husband and not knowing whether or not to let my N parents know.  My husband has been my rock through all of my emotional problems.

Last night, I had a long dream that my entire N family came to visit - I can't remember why.  But, my house was a mess (my mother is the original "white glove"), I was disshelved and ugly (another mother indoctrination), my father was making nasty wise cracks about my disloyalty, and my brother was chiming in.  I've been very nervous and have migraines the last few days also.  

Just needed to talk about it.  Joey


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2005, 09:33:59 AM »
Good Morning Everyone:

I'm not going to ask you a whole series of questions about your family that you may not be comfortable in discussing, so I am not too sure why I even posted, except to say, Hi GFN. Good morning.  

Thankyou Mudpuppy and Good morning the next day back at ya!! 8)

You gave me a good giggle so drop in and post away, whenever the urge hits!!  And read on because you might be surprised about something I have in common with our sister, Brigid!! :shock:

Bunny wrote:

I don't know if this is about your parents or not, but it seems your unconscious feels you've been cheated, exploited, manipulated and intruded upon.

Well, I certainly feel that way so you could very well be right accurate there in interpreting what this dream is trying to say or release or whatever it is that it is doing. :?

I've been having great dreams lately but I can't remember a single one of them. If I do, I will report back.

Eagerly waiting in anticippppppppppation. :D

I used to think that not remembering my dreams meant that I was repressing a bunch of stuff or maybe it's a sign of discomfort (or maybe it's a sign of comfort??? :shock: )?  I used to sleep really soundly and wake up refreshed.  Now, that these strange dreams are emerging......maybe it's a sign of emotional turmoil and purging or maybe there's something wrong with me?  I don't sleep soundly any more and I toss and turn a lot.  I'm not sure at all if it's a good thing, or not so good to have all these dreams? :?   But it seems like it's helping me to get them out.....which must sound really odd?

Mum wrote:
I woke this morning not remembering my dream but knowing something wonderful was fortold...that was cool!

This seems like you are really positive and healthy from the inside out, Mum!!   Glad to hear about any lovely dream you have!! :D

My fiance is a "vivid" dreamer. Dead people talk to him, numbers come to him (he has won lotterys using them....not the big one yet, though). Lots and lots of his sleeping dreams come true later on.

That used to be the only time I remembered my dreams......when they would come true.  I hated it.  It was awful.  I seemed to dream about all of the bad stuff before it happened and there was nothing I could do about it.  There were times when I woke up and had to really fight to get out of bed because of the severe dread.....which would end up being too appropriate.  :shock:  I'm glad those dreams seem to have vanished.  I hope they stay away.  I don't want to know what bad things are going to happen (although sometimes I think it was some warn prepare me for the shock to come)??? :shock:

Mia asked:
Are you experiencing any anxiety over financial matters?

No I'm not.  We're not rich but we're survivng comfortably.  I don't worry about money and even when things were much worse financially, I didn't worry about it.  I guess I just worked hard and expected things to get better and they did.

Some of my dreams come true as well. Not many, usually about 2-3 per year. The ones that do are very vivid. The last one involved my best friend's Mom getting into a car accident. It's weird.

Yes it is and thankyou for posting this because I would never have had the courage, otherwise, to post about my dreams coming true.  It feels good to know that someone else has had these types of experiences.  Maybe I'm not coo-coo afterall?? :?

As to your X falling off the face of the earth.......ya why not?  And maybe he could take a few other abuser types with him!!  Now that would be more than cool!! 8)

I looked up one site that interprets dreams.  It is interesting and entertaining, as you say, to look into this and heaven knows I need some interesting entertainment now and then.  Thanks Mia.

Delphine wrote:

Is there some business venture or career move that you are just dying to try but feel you can't succeed at?

Well......there is something I've thought about some but haven't really put into plan or action but it doesn't have anything to do with nature or the earth .  Come to think of it.....that might be something to integrate into the idea.  Thanks Delphine!  Don't know if I'll ever do it but maybe??

Brigid wrote:
Lately, however, he has come into my dreams as someone standing on the sidelines watching my life that I pay no attention to.

Maybe this is your brains way of telling you that you are gradually separating emotionally from him?  He's just in the side lines now where before....he was right in your face....causing you grief???  Just a guess.

Mudpuppy, I did have a dream one night that you were in. Interestingly enough, and I am not making this up, you were covered in mud and rolling in a puddle (but in human form).

No kidding......I had a similar dream!!!  I'm serious!!! :shock: Mudpuppy was rolling around and laughing and having a wee of a time in the mud!!!  (You had really big any brother of mine would......that stuck out on the sides, Mudpuppy!! :wink: ).  

Scary, isn't it?

I would never have had the guts to tell anyone I had a dream about Mudpuppy!  Thanks for posting this Brigid!!

And I'm so glad you're back!!  I hope you had a lovely holiday!!! (sorry if you've posted about it elsewhere.  I haven't had much time to read here lately).

Oh......Mudpuppy!!!  Salamanders aren't so disgusting!!  They're actually kinda cute.....once you get used to them!!  I didn't know there was one called a Mudpuppy so ....what else is new???   :? You keep teaching me stuff I need to know.  Thanks!!! :roll:

October wrote:

The only person who is winning from this set up is your parents; they end up owning both you and your image/profession/status in the world.

I think you're interpretation is the closest to mine (after I thought about this dream a lot yesterday....more to follow).

It sounds as if you feel that they own you, or at least that they believe that they own you, and that therefore you are in debt to them. Not just a bit of debt, but 25 years of debt - effectively a lifetime. And they are doing this to others as well, not just you. Maybe anyone they can find.

This is getting really close to it, I think.  Thanks October for your thoughts. :D  :D

I have to let puppy (my puppy not you, brother) out for a little run now but I will respond to page 2 when I get back. :wink:

Thank you all for taking the time to post and for sharing your thoughts and some of your dreams!  Dreams are very interesting, to say the least eh?



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2005, 10:25:26 AM »
Hi again all:

Bliz wrote:

Last night he was attempting to fix a clock in the townsquare I believe. ????
At the same time I was doing some work around the house, which is actually something I have been trying to organize during the actual day.

Maybe all of your organizing of your belongings triggered your brain to organize your X, somewhat, by making him fix what he has broken, put it back in order, repair the time he has ruined for you.....time's he's harmed you.....or hurt you??? (I'm assuming he has done at least some of these).

Joey wrote:
Wow - I've been reading about these dreams, because I have constant, crazy, frantic dreams nightly. The night before last I had a nightmare of losing my husband and not knowing whether or not to let my N parents know. My husband has been my rock through all of my emotional problems.

My bet is this is your worst fear coming to the surface.  From my understanding, this is a good thing.  Supposedly, it's better for this fear to come out this way than remain hidden and thus....tormenting your subconscious mind.  Who knows???

Last night, I had a long dream that my entire N family came to visit - I can't remember why. But, my house was a mess (my mother is the original "white glove"), I was disshelved and ugly (another mother indoctrination), my father was making nasty wise cracks about my disloyalty, and my brother was chiming in.

Maybe your second worst fear coming up???  I hope your migraines and anxiety go away soon...not nice stuff.  (((((((((Joey))))))) here's what came to mind....once my head cleared and I was able to stop thinking:  "What a crazy dream???"

In my dream, my parents were ripping people off.  In real life, they were abusive and ripped people off.  They ripped myself and my sibblings off.  They stole from us.  They took away our happy, healthy childhoods.  They stole our peaceful spirits.  They ripped us off of having a normal, healthy adulthood because of the problems created by our abnormal, unhealthy childhoods.  They took our serenity away and replaced it with hog-wash.

In my dream, my parents were landscapers.  In real life, they did landscape our world (myself and sibblings).  They did feed us and clothe us, provide our surroudings and raise us up.  They did plant many good seeds (believe it or not) along with the bad, flowers with the thorn bushes, good soil with the clay.  They made us look pretty on the outside, like almost normal, healthy, people (to a great extent).  But the price they charged in the dream and in real life, for that landscaping, was too high, for me.  The price was denial, the expectation of my unwarrented loyalty, not taking responsibility for their actions and....... my silence.  What a rip-off!! :x   I didn't keep the deal with them. :shock:

In my dream, my parents were mortgage brokers.  Those guys charge a fee to find you a mortgage when you can't seem to get one for yourself.  In real life, my parents were like mortgage brokers.   They charged the fee of requiring love and loyalty and all that most parents get naturally, but the mortgage they provided had an over-inflated price.  The every year debt they felt they were owed, was also a rip-off.  My sibblings and myself could have gone out and gotten our own, reasonable, fair mortgages but instead we were indebted to and unable to pay for the ones our parents arranged for us (or at least I was not able to pay for it).  As a result, my parents took possession of the properties (the self's) of some people.  Those people are my sibblings.  Their selves belong to my parents and their rip-off ways, their denial, their over inflated landscaping deals, their lying, their crooked, abusive, violent, cruel, jealous, greedy rip-off ways......are now my sibbling's ways.

And I feel ripped off....once again....just thinking about it!! least I'm not confused by this dream any longer.

Maybe you are right, Mudpuppy.  Maybe this is something I need to be talking about that I thought I didn't really need to be talking about.  I feel like I have forgiven my parents for so much but now......I'm starting to think that there are a lot of things I haven't even thought of to forgive them for.  There is still anger inside me, coming out, in my new weird dreams, in regard to them.  They stole my sibblings from me!!! :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Something I have never admitted or mourned!!  We could have been happy and healthy and loving toward eachother in this life.  But instead, because of my flippin' lunatic parents and their sibblings have been mortgaged to the brink and are still making payments.  Because of the denial and the inherited traits or the environmental corruptions of their hearts and souls, my sibblings are not what they could have been.  My parents landscaped their outsides, like mine, but for some reason, I rejected their rip-off mortgages, while my sibblings fell for the whole deal.   :x  :x  :x  :x  :x

So I get to live without loving, healthy relationships with my sibblings!!  I get to suffer such loss (while my sibblings seem oblivious and ambivalent about it all).  I get to see the whole stupid rotten landscaping/mortgage rip-off repeat for my sibblings children!!  And I can't do a dang thing about it all...except release some of my feelings in my dreams and on this board.
 :(  :(  :(  :(  :(



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2005, 10:54:13 AM »

No kidding......I had a similar dream!!! I'm serious!!!

I would never have had the guts to tell anyone I had a dream about Mudpuppy!

Now that is scary.   :shock:  :shock:  This man is going to start to get a very big head from all of us ladies dreaming about him, albeit not in a very sexy way. :lol:  

Maybe this is your brains way of telling you that you are gradually separating emotionally from him? He's just in the side lines now where before....he was right in your face....causing you grief??? Just a guess.

 I agree with this assessment and certainly hope that it is true.  I try to keep him off my radar screen as much as I possibly can.  Unfortunately, when I returned from my vacation I had a lengthy e-mail from him whining about how long the divorce is taking to complete (not my fault) and he was therefore going to need to decrease the amount of money he is giving me per month to live on (our daughter lives with me 99% of the time and our son 100% when he's home).  He doesn't consider how this will affect them.

And I'm so glad you're back!! I hope you had a lovely holiday!!!

Thank you for the welcome home.  Yes, my daughter and I had a lovely vacation with lots of rest and relaxation on the beach.  I find being near the ocean to be so healing and contemplative.  I had lots of time alone when my daughter was with friends so my glass of wine, the sunset and ocean waves and I had a number of deep and real conversations.

GFN, are you British?  I should probably know that, but I wasn't sure.  I visited London for the first time at Christmas with my kids.  We loved it and can't wait to go back.  (still can't fathom the Marmite thing, tho  :shock: ).



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2005, 11:07:09 AM »
I have felt an urge for some time to ask you about yourself but never felt comfortable doing it. You are so helpful to everyone else, including me, that I just wondered if you needed anything. All in God's time I guess. His timing is always perfect. :)
Sorry to hear about how you lost your family. I know the feeling somewhat. I'm sorry your parents were 'horrors'.
At least you can count the blessing that you are on the outside looking in at what BG aptly calls an 'N system'. Well, somewhat on the outside.
And I can't do a dang thing about it all...except release some of my feelings in my dreams and on this board.

That's the hard part, huh? Even as bad as my brother has treated me I still wish I could help him. But we can't. That's not an easy pill to swallow.
Thanks for trusting us enough to share some of what you have gone through with us. Others will be along shortly with much more wisdom and comfort than I can supply. :wink:  :D



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2005, 11:16:00 AM »
Hi again:

Brigid wrote:
Now that is scary.   This man is going to start to get a very big head from all of us ladies dreaming about him, albeit not in a very sexy way.

I gather he had his clothes on in your dream??? :lol:

...he was therefore going to need to decrease the amount of money he is giving me per month to live on (our daughter lives with me 99% of the time and our son 100% when he's home). He doesn't consider how this will affect them.

Why would he consider anyone but himself, the crumb???
Is there any legal step you can take to prevent his selfish plan?
What does your lawyer say about it?

I had lots of time alone when my daughter was with friends so my glass of wine, the sunset and ocean waves and I had a number of deep and real conversations.

Sounds peaceful and refreshing and clensing!  I'm so glad you had a good time!   :D  8)

GFN, are you British?

Nope.  I'm one of those crazy cannucks, up here in the great white north.
But I did work with a lady from New Zealand once and she brought some marmite to work and force fed it to me.  I'll never forgive for it!!  (Sorry all you marmite lovers.  I'd rather eat seaweed, which is almost as tough to honk back--tried it once too, and gagged, spit up, cursed quite a bit after that).

Good old peanut butter and jam are just fine for my toast.  Or cheeze wiz.
But honestly.....if we're going to talk about a heavenly's got to be.............


No force feeding necessary there! :D

Maybe less vitamins but the cocoa is supposed to be good for our hearts and my heart needs as much good as it can get!!! :wink:



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« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2005, 11:35:04 AM »
Hi there Mudpuppy and all:

Yep.  I need.  Thanks so much for the hug and the kind, understanding words.  I do appreciate your non-invasive consideration.   Truly I do.

At least you can count the blessing that you are on the outside looking in at what BG aptly calls an 'N system'. Well, somewhat on the outside.

Ya.  Kinda like a scary movie or something eh?  And all the players are people you're afraid of (or at least....keeping away from so that they can't bite you in the kneck anymore). :shock:

My parents are both gone from this world.  I don't like speaking ill of the dead.  Another stupid, ridiculous, unfounded, silly, useless thing I was taught. :roll:

Even as bad as my brother has treated me I still wish I could help him.

Yes, I'm still picking pieces of mesh off myself too. :oops:  Less bits left now than before.  I guess I'm starting to give up on that idea of any kind of cure or miracle or wonderous rejecting of mortgages.  Not gonna happen. :(

Thanks for the comfort you do supply, Mudpuppy (and the fancy dreams of flipping around naked with big ears in the mud too!   :shock: Don't worry, the private parts were blocked out (censored).  My movie theatre doesn't allow anything restricted or 18+.).  It's rated PG or under, in there for some reason?? :? ). :D



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2005, 11:37:04 AM »
Brigid & GFN,
I hate to shatter your images, but I actually am 6'3" (not 4") and slender. And my ears are pinned back quite nicely, thank you.
GFN wrote,
Salamanders aren't so disgusting!! They're actually kinda cute.....once you get used to them!!

 I agree most salamanders are tolerable but the mudpuppy is about a foot long, kind of a dark brown and has big external red gills that stick out like Christmas trees from the sides of its head. It is however cuter than the Hellbender which is a couple of feet long and which I once saw described as looking like an old motorcycle tire tread.
Brigid wrote,
Now that is scary.   This man is going to start to get a very big head from all of us ladies dreaming about him, albeit not in a very sexy way.  

As long as my wife keeps dreaming about me, everything will be hunky dory. :wink:  Although I was in one of her's the other night, and I was apparently such a cad she wouldn't even tell me what I did. :shock:  :oops:

By the way, this is a great idea for a thread GFN. Good job.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2005, 11:45:20 AM »
Hi Mud:

most salamanders are tolerable but the mudpuppy is about a foot long, kind of a dark brown and has big external red gills that stick out like Christmas trees from the sides of its head

Maybe not the most huggable but he could make a nice pet?  As a matter of fact, I could use one around here, if he eats frogs by the gallon, as they will be emerging from their crypts soon and singing their joyous songs by moonlight!!

Where does the real mudpuppy salamander live?

Hellbender?  I've been on those before. :oops:



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« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2005, 11:48:06 AM »

Although I was in one of her's the other night, and I was apparently such a cad she wouldn't even tell me what I did.

You probably don't really want to know. :shock:  :shock:

Hey....maybe she could log onto this thread and let us all interpret it for her?  Might be clensing for her??? :?



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2005, 01:15:49 PM »

Hey....maybe she could log onto this thread and let us all interpret it for her? Might be clensing for her???

The problem I see with this for you and I is that it may make us start dreaming of the mudpup in a more x-rated fashion (maybe your dreams are PG, but not all of mine are.  :wink: ).  We wouldn't want her putting those kinds of thoughts in our heads about her 6'3" husband who in my mind will always be closer to 5'9".

Is there any legal step you can take to prevent his selfish plan?
What does your lawyer say about it?

I was on the phone to my attorney this morning about it and he talked to the H's attorney.  We have a hearing tomorrow morning that will accomplish nothing, but I have to attend so this may come up.  I had to dig up a Lorazapam to deal with the anxiety this has created.  I hate that. :x

My parents are both gone from this world. I don't like speaking ill of the dead.  

I can strongly relate to this.  I keep resisting talking about them (also both dead) in therapy even though I know they are at the root of my issues and why I chose two lousy men to marry.

I'm one of those crazy cannucks, up here in the great white north.

OK, that explains the "bits", "holiday", and "wee".  I'm glad we can agree on the Marmite.  :D

GFN, you are a wonderful woman with always such warm, thoughtful, and insightful things to say.  I'm sorry for the pain the people in your life have  brought upon you.  You'll stay forever in my prayers.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2005, 01:38:04 PM »

GFN, you are a wonderful woman with always such warm, thoughtful, and insightful things to say. I'm sorry for the pain the people in your life have brought upon you. You'll stay forever in my prayers.

Ditto, Brigid.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2005, 03:02:48 PM »
GFN, you are a wonderful woman with always such warm, thoughtful, and insightful things to say. I'm sorry for the pain the people in your life have brought upon you. You'll stay forever in my prayers.

I don't think I'm always so wonderful or that everything I say is warm, thoughtful and insightful but it sure is nice of you to say that and I really do appreciate it very much.  Thankyou Brigid.  And also for your sympathy and your prayers.  It is nice to know I'm not the only person on earth who has experienced N-system effect (that isss a great term  BG--was it?  Too accurate!!!).

Ditto, Brigid.


You too, thanks Mudpuppy for ditto-ing.   :oops:  :oops: Too much!
Too kind!  As usual from you!!  Thankyou.

Oh.....and Brigid.......a special prayer for you tonight.  I hope tomorrow goes well and something can be done to stop your X from being himself :twisted: (even if it is only temporarily).

Well.....I hope other people post more dreams here.   They can be quite facinating and I really believe they are a bit like crying and laughing and beating bongo drums (now wouldn't that be a sight.....all at the same time.....especially if it were some short/tall guy, with big ears, and no face,  wearing a grass skirt, rest of self covered in mud... doing it all--oooga boooga???).

heeheehee :D  :D  (the grass skirt was necessary to keep it rated PG).

Thankyou all for being here and being you.  Those who hurt you were total idiots to miss your sweetness and goodness (or maybe they were just overcome with jealousy and couldn't resist the urge to try to crush those parts of you???).  Poor them.  I'm the lucky one having the opportunity to know you here. :D  :D   They lose. (sticking out tongue icon please here).  You're still sweet and good and they, for the most part, are not!!!
