You guys are all good! I can see myself in so many of you and really appreciate how you all relate your experiences so unselfishly. I have been mulling over so many of the posts over the past few days and before I begin would like to say again thanks to all. I don't intend to disregard any of the comments, but would like to respond to some that have touched my personal childhood memories.
Guest wrote that N parents expect us to know everything, but teach us nothing. How true. I can remember many instances when I would be the "cause" of an arguement, because I should have known better.

I also loved the gesture to you mother by bringing flowers to Mary on Easter - what a wonderful way to honor the mother you should have had.
October, your wrote that there were times when you felt like everyone was watching you. Our N parents do that to us don't they. I often feel "under glass" and want to just pull the covers over my head. But I keep on moving ahead, even with these feelings of inferiority, because tomorrow will be better.
OR, I too worry about what my cut-off N family is saying about me. I knew that when I cut ties, I would lose an entire family - cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. But my emotional health is worth it.
Wildtrain, I was in tears when I read about your nightmares and how your mom threw you out to deal with them on your own. I too suffered from nightmares at the age of 4 and have migraines and stomach problems today. But we do tend to minimize our experiences - you said it was a little thing. My "little thing" memories are of an angry father that would throw iced cold water or smush a grapefruit in my face if I woke up in the morning grouchier that he did. I still believe that others had it so much worse and I have no right to complain about such "little things".
I know that we can all help one another. It surprises me that we seem to all have been searching for a faith that was not given to us. Many of us did not have families to show us and teach us to have faith in a higher power, but as survivors we seek it out with a passion. That is a definite positive