Author Topic: problems with computer..  (Read 1523 times)

d's mom

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problems with computer..
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:30:54 AM »
FlowerGirl, October, gfn, =everyone=, thank you so much for your comments to me... it was very heartwarming. im so sorry about the medical issues and that your mother put that onto you Flower Girl..  there are so many people I want to reply to and talk to, and things i want to read also.. my computer is very very old, and im having a lot of trouble accesing this board.

i just want to say im not trying to be rude or not replying, im having a lot of problems with my computer and hopefully will have a newer one soon. thank you all so much for being there and sharing yourselves. its helped me an incredible amount.

hopefully i can go on reading and posting but if i seem to be silent periodically, its probably becuase theres something wrong with my computer. hope everyone is doing well and thank you so much for your kindness to me and sharing yourselves.

hope everyone is having the best -healthiest- health! (that means, NOT PERFECT!) just healthy.
love from anna -
d's mom


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problems with computer..
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2005, 09:59:39 AM »
Hi D's mom/Anna:

No worries.  PC's are a pain in the butt sometimes, aren't they?

The other day, I turned the power on and a message appeared that told me that my hard drive was done like dinner and I needed a new one.

I could easily have said:  "Phooey!!" and turned the power off and gone shopping or just been out of cyber-land until further notice, but I fiddled around for awhile and guess what......that message was a lie. :evil:
It turns out, some virus/worm/insect/snake/creepy-crawly/disruptive-N-like-doo-dad thingy had invaded my pc.  It was eventually tracked down and obliterated. 8)

thank you all so much for being there and sharing yourselves

Same to you from me.  I hope things get better for you real soon and you find a lawyer with b#$%^&*lls.  It will happen and things will improve!!!


Stormchild Guesting

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problems with computer..
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2005, 11:36:13 AM »
Do y'all have DSL or dialup?

If y'all have DSL, you may want to invest in a piece of firewall hardware... not just security software. Because you're on the net 24/7 with DSL, all kinds of crud tries to climb into your computer when you aren't looking, and even uses it to send spam, and other good things, if it gets in.

I decided to stay with dialup for that reason, because it's harder for the crud to get in; I'm even hyper enough that I actually unplug my phone line when I'm offline (silly but safe). Plus I have a Mac, but they're getting infected more often these days too.

Sorry you're having a problem!


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problems with computer..
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2005, 07:29:27 PM »
thank you gfn. :}  my computer is sooo old, really old. its actually made out of a big rock and some sticks. im saving right now for a newer one. and also, i -never- believe those messages. just a few weeks ago, i got a message saying my mail program would 'never work again' and i caled the isp and they told me i needed to get a new program, my old program was incomptible with their software. they were very clear that it would 'never work again'. well... i just kept using it, becuase i cant afford another program. its stilll working. :}

my motto for years - and really all my life but especially now -


stormchild - i have a mac too & use dialup. hopefully i'll have a newer one soon. i just read about your kitty friend.... i hope things are ok with you both. i remember all my life watching movies - i never cared how many people died but if an animal died or was hurt in a movie, that was sad.   people can take care of themselves. animals look to us for care.

just wishing you both the best.