Sending you angels, and something I wrote some time ago about walking in the Valley of the Shadow, as you are now.
The sea-wall
I went for a walk in the sunshine, and as I walked I thought about an ending, and it seemed to me that something is coming to an end, but I don’t know what. I thought I will wait and see.
Then the angels showed me a picture.
I am a sea-wall
And I hold back the tide.
Once there was a long, shelving beach
And the sea was far away.
Once there were breakwaters,
But the breakwaters and the sand are gone,
Washed away long ago.
Now there is just me and the sea,
And the storms which come and go.
And the waves whisper to me;
‘Give in, lie down and rest a while,
why should you have to be so strong?
Why should you work so hard?
Who thanks you for standing here,
And keeping us at bay?
Let us pass over you;
Lie down and rest a while.’
Then the angels point inland
There are churches and people singing,
There are schools and children at play,
There are people living their lives
Without even knowing I am here
Even when they look towards me
They only see the sea, never the wall.
And because they fear the sea
They quickly look away
And pretend it is not there.
They never come near.
They never see me.
I am invisible, but I can see.
The angels show me and I can see.
I see that if – finally – I fall,
The sea will gently reach and touch
The people singing, the children playing,
And it will not do them harm.
But if instead I choose to lie down
The storms will rush inland
And some of the people will drown;
Who knows how many people will drown.
So I stand, and say to the sea
‘No, here I am, and here I stay.
You may in the end make me fall,
But I will not lie down!’
The storms come and go,
They blow and they rage
And the waves rush over me;
I am drenched, I am drowned,
And each time I weaken a little bit more,
But - somehow - still I stand.
I don’t know why I must stand here
Or where the shelving sand has gone
Or why the storms can rage so fierce
Or whether I can stand for long.
But I know I am a sea-wall
And I hold back the tide.
And the angels smile,
And they stay with me.