I am hesitant to label this as N-behavoir. Arnold grew up in Austria. My Swiss ex mother-in-law did the same things with my ex N husband when he was a child. She was obsessed with cleanliness and perfect order.
What I am saying is that a great deal of this behavior is cultural.
But humans are humans the world over... we bleed, bear children, eat and sleep.
If cultural differences explained this away, then would either Freud (an Austrian Jew) or Jung (a Swiss gentile) have had any relevance in the States.... ??
In this country, beating wives and children was cultural 30 years ago... and still is, some places... but it's still assault and battery.
Infanticide by exposure was cultural in Ancient Greece; FGM is cultural today, in some parts of Africa... the model Waris Dirie wrote a harrowing book about it, about her personal experience with it.
I've lived internationally for years and I love cultural differences, when they're benign. They're part of the rich texture of human living.
And I'm truly not trying to stomp on you, Guest, I'm just trying to extend the thought... that some things are part of human variety and should be celebrated as such, but not all things. Some traditions are bad.