Thanks you for the replies

Essentially what my Father has done I find so offensive that there is no reason I will want anything to do with him again.
He knows what he has done and it is obvious he will do nothing about it.
Nobody else is asking questions either -- I just have to let it go, and I will.
I think part of the difficulty is that I am making decisions ahead of time (like not going to his funeral - a long way off yet probably)and I kind of feel others will think bad of me for doing it.
But it's not something that's even real - as he's not dead! I think part of the feelings are entirely natural in this sitatution as we are all part of society. A soceity which has used shame as a form of social control, so to subvert that (ie by deciding not to have anything to do with one's parents or not to go to funerals ) strong feelings arise.
It is to do with the nature of society itself, in a way, as I'm going against the grain and not many people will understand that.
We are social animals and the desire to fit in is a strong one ie be part of a group- so by doing this I am very definitiely not fitting in.
Not sure if this is confusing or makes perfect sense, but I hope you get what I mean

I guess by processing all these feelings now (well there isn't any other time

) when the time comes for things like that it won't matter so much.
There's a chance I won't get to hear about it anyway.
Portia you mentioned childhood. I could mention a few good things about it (irony alert) but I find that childhood only becomes important as a result of what happened recently - what they have done when I was an adult. That led me to question, go back and find similar instances to paint a picture of myself and of my parents.
It is what they have done recently that as provided me, in a sense, with the proof, and validation of my childhood feelings. The feelings were never expressed as a child,but still remained and distorted (very much so) my life as an adult.
I spent a long time thinking about suicide (years) it doesn't mean that i was serious about doing it, it just means I was frightened of the thoughts I was thinking, knowing I couldn't share them. I was frightened that I would not be able to stop myself and just suddenly jump off a bridge as I was walking past.
Lots of stuff ...
It says a lot about me as a person that I gave them the chances I did. When I needed anything, or expressed myself to both parents
saying "why did you lie to me" to my father or just "there's a few things I'd like to talk to you about" to my mother (i had written down a letter to go over with her, again it was about recent events and not childhood ones) I tried to do it in a reasonable way, but I am given the worst motives in the world for even attempting to do it.
I now know it doesn't describe me but is all about her and her reaction.
I found their reactions hard to understand and very painful partly because of me - if someone was to bring up a difficult subject or I had hurt their feelings I am (would have been) more than prepared to listen.
Me Speaking up, I didn't see as this big.horrible thing it was made out to be, they made it into such and in a sense they both chose not to have contact with me (separately as they are divorced)
I can hardly contact them after that, can I? Why would I want to?
Course my mother telephoned me late at night 9 months later and left two messages on the answer phone.
trying to sound as distresses and a heartbroken as possible -she agreed to meet for coffee - as response to the apology letter i sent her after i spoke up to her - she hung up and seconds later she left another message
she told me her name and her telephone number and said "Thank you" as if she was leaving a message to some business.
Ridiculous !
Seriously though - thanks for the replies. It's nice to know someone has taken the time to read and understands this kind of situation:)
Enough, already