Well, I will tell you the JW story from the other day, when life was really horrible. There was a young boy, early teens, and a woman, with a posh coat. She was holding the Watchtower, so I knew immediately who they were.
I opened the door, and she said, hello how are you? Through somewhat gritted teeth I said, fine. Standard polite response.
Then she starts into her prepared talk about the magazine, and whether I am aware of x, y, z; the apocalyptic end of the world kind of things. So I interrupted her and said, excuse me, why exactly are you here?
She then told me that they are doing what Jesus did. So I asked her for the Biblical reference that shows that Jesus went round knocking on doors giving away magazines. After a bit of flustering, and her unable to find such verse (

) I said, ok, what about one where he even knocks on a door uninvited? Now here she could have had an answer, but apparently is not familiar with the 'behold I stand' verse (which is of course allegorical rather than literal anyway, so even if she had used it I would not have accepted it as an excuse for knocking on strangers' doors).
Instead she said, 'They didn't have them in those days.' So I said, you are trying to tell me they didn't have doors in Biblical times? That is just plain daft. (She probably meant magazines, but was giving an answer to the previous question, rather than the most recent one, so I pretended not to know that. I am very wicked and will go to - the infernal regions.)
Then I turned to her young companion, looked him in the eyes, and told him, she is telling lies. Then I closed the door.
No doubt they went away and prayed for my wicked unredeemed soul.
My next door neighbour was in the house, but didn't bother to answer the door, although she said they knocked for ages and the lad even went and looked in her living room window.

Perhaps that is a kinder way to deal with them.
I had a friend who was a JW and who died last year, so I am not anti JW as a whole. Just anti misinformation.
Sorry if I have shocked anyone. I don't normally behave with this kind of brutality.