Author Topic: River trailers, Part II  (Read 2163 times)


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River trailers, Part II
« on: April 17, 2005, 08:43:02 AM »
Hope you guys dont mind me throwing another Nar family situation out for your suggestions and advice. You may remember that the brother I work with stormed out of the car when the rest of the kids tried to go look at new trailers for our river camp.  He had stormed out of our previous meeting on this subject so ???  

The older brother and I went to look at the trailers and then he sent me a memo of all the stuff he thought we needed to do with an aside that he didnt have time to do any of them.  Typical Nar bro crap.  I debated for awhile whether I was willing to do all the work on research etc and forged ahead since our parents have given us some financial ways to get this done and Dad's health is failing.

Well, now I am at the point where I can make recommendations as to what to do, which trailer to buy etc.  My concern is all my work will be for naught and their N control freak ways will kick in and they either try to gain control of it again, or find other ways to put us back on hold.

My question is are there any helpful hints as to how to present it to them? I talked to the one brother that isnt here and he seemed okay with us going ahead without too much back pedaling.  THe one I work with said at one time he would support what I suggested but yesterday said more or less, WHoa, I havent seen any of the options.  The other brohter, there are three, is famous for taking a project and putting it into reverse as he analyzes every possible details to death.  SO it is all most probably about control.  I just want to get it done and would have been more than happy to share the control of all the work done to this point.

I am going to first present the options to Dad today, hopefully, and have already asked his help in getting consensus.  Who knows if he will actually do that.  Naturally we are runing out of time for this season as it will take a month to build the thing and then we have to prepare the site, move the old one etc.  

I am open to all thoughts and suggestions including my beingable to just release the whole thing and be okay with the consequences.  Thanks for the help and support.


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Re: River trailers, Part II
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2005, 12:15:26 PM »
Quote from: Bliz
I am open to all thoughts and suggestions including my beingable to just release the whole thing and be okay with the consequences.

This gets my vote.



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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2005, 01:48:16 PM »
Bliz, bunny is right - you have to let go of wanting a specific outcome, because you're in a toxic hostile situation.

That being said, is your brother super-countersuggestible? Is it really really obvious with him that he decides what to do by finding out what you want him to do and then picking the opposite choice on purpose, just to rub your nose in his refusal to listen to you?  

With these types, the mere fact you want an outcome will be their reason for opposing it. They are incredible about that... if it's a choice between doing the smart thing and doing the mean thing, they'll go for the mean one, every time.

If he is that bad, don't tell him you have his number. If he's really dumb enough to go against whatever you advise as kind of a kneejerk reflex response, tell him to do the thing you least want him to do. [Don't throw me in that briar patch, Brother Fox, oh please, boo hoo hoo, said Brother Rabbit...]

But again, don't hope for too much. The countersuggestibility thing only works when they are so stupid, and so mean, that they can't stop themselves. If they're bright enough to realize you've figured it out, they may just change their game. Plus, it's manipulative even if it's in a good cause, and you may feel icky doing it.

Complete disengagement - just presenting the facts without advising any conclusion - may be the best way.

Good luck. What a jerque.


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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2005, 08:11:23 PM »
Thanks for the advice.  You are right and that is what I was fearing, that no matter how I present it it is possible one or more of them will go against it just because I suggested it.  I have the buy in of Mom and Dad, which is huge, but the bros could dissuade them. Fine, I have done what I need to do and if they want to sit on it for another season they can.  

It will piss me off as some of them come up there and bitch about why dont we get something new. Well, hey we tried and one brother stormed out of every meeting.  ANother wanted somebody else to do all the legwork and then tear it apart and the third one was so out in left field about what he wanted we couldnt reel him in.  

I guess I knew there was no ideal to present the facts to make it work.  Maybe they will surprise me in a positive way.  One can only hope.


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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2005, 09:02:13 PM »
Hmm. Any chance of your giving the information to your parents, instead, and stepping back from the discussion entirely, and letting THEM carry the ball?

it'd certainly change the dynamics, especially if you have a doctor's appointment or something (hint hint) and can't manage to be there yourself at the time.

this might have a general effect on things even if you only have to use it once...


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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2005, 07:55:58 AM »
Well, in classic dysfunctional fashion my father, who is in charge of this really because he and MOm are financing it, wants all the kids to agree first.  MOm is like "buy it".  I have taken the concept to both of them and they are in agreement with my conclusion but still want the kids to agree.  

I asked Dad if he had any suggestions as to how I could build consensus.  His reply was that he thought everybody would buy in because they just want to get it done. I hope he is right, but history would not favor this solution.  

I am still debating how to present the info.  I have thought about talking to each individual brother seperatley and building consensus one at a time or just sending out an email. My concern with the emial is they will ignore it as would be their usual behavior.  I am also trying to release the outcome but do need to somehow get the info to them first.


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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2005, 06:14:42 PM »
Here I go answering myself again.  

Well, tried to talk to the older brother, the one who did go with me to the last place but wouldnt help in the research of all HIS follow up questions.  Naturally because I did the research he doesnt like it or wants more info  or who the hell knows...I am just venting now.

I was able to kind of reel him back in and at least get him to consider looking at the material. But, again, geez, what does it take with those bozos?  Oh yea, I forgot, Nar family, control, etc, etc.


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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2005, 07:17:14 PM »
Poor Bliz,
You must be made of steel to take on something like this with that many ninnys to try and please.
Do you get any appreciation from anyone in your family for trying to balance your end of the teeter totter alone with apparently about a half dozen obese weirdos on the other end? :roll:  :?



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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2005, 07:36:18 PM »
Thanks Mudpup,
I needed that.  You would wonder why I even try? The river camp is important to me.  It was a former Indian settlement, (Fort Ancient, Hopewell, Adena) and I have drawn great comfort, power (?) from the river area.  Not all the kids are equally invested in it, but may be more so if we had better accomodations.  

Because my father's health is not good, I feel a crunch to get it done now, if it is possible.  I did really debate when it got thrown back in my lap if it was worth it?  I would like to take it as far as I can before I give up.  

As a weird byproduct of today, the brother I work with seems okay with my recommendation.  That could change of course. I would like to think my parents appreciate my efforts but I am doing it for me.  I want better accomodations and would like to establish something there for the next generation.  I fear if my father does pass away in the near future it will never get done as we will have even bigger sibling issues to deal with.  

A thought ran through my head today, what my father might think of me.  He was so hardwired to think women werent as good as men, as smart etc and I must be breaking every preconceived notion over the years.  You have to wonder does he marvel at what I do despite his attitude and upbringing or think I am just constantly tilting at windmills, or does he just dismiss it all with someething like, "well she is more like a man that is why she is not married?" Or none or all of the above.  

It has helped me so much to have this board to vent to and practice my different scenarios.  I hope you all realize how much I appreciate it. I know there are bigger problems on this board than how to pick a summer abode.


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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2005, 07:52:19 PM »
Hey Bliz,
Every problem is big to the person who has it.
I admire you for your strength to stick it out.
Frankly, I hope you get the trailer thing worked out for yourself first. Then if it helps your dad value you more, good.
I'm not holding out much hope for the 'brothers grim' however.
Especially the knothead you work with.  Isn't he the one who goes around kicking puppies?



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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2005, 08:34:31 PM »

Your post isn't really about summer accomodations. It's about trying to please people who have histories of passive-aggression and devaluing your efforts. The q is, why you would put yourself in a situation that is so frustrating and painful. So you're struggling with it and processing it. That's how I read this.



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River trailers, Part II
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2005, 09:43:17 PM »
Thanks guys,
You are all so supportive. It means alot to me.  It really helps me process the whole thing which is half the battle.