Hey, Dogbittles!....and all. I'm always happy when my meaning comes through my writing (and always surprised,considering how I write!

So, for perspective, Dogbittles, my ex nidiot calls after being overseas for work, to ask if while he was away, did I remind the children that he was away and that he had missed seeing them for his usual weekend......(he currently gets every weekend)? Because he was surprised THEY chose NOT to see him extra time this weekend (now that he is back). After falling off my chair laughing to myself, I asked him if he was aware of how old his children were (they are teenagers).
I have to deal with him because a year and a half ago, I wanted to move to another state to be with my dying mother, large extended family and fiance (I had a higher paying job, great schools, etc....and Ih ave no family here). He was on an extended job overseas (for 4 months) which he does frequently. Long story short, he won his case, and stopped me from leaving (well, not ME, just the kids from leaving....right, like I would leave without them).
Now he is taking me back to court to reduce his child support. His arguement? He has NO CHOICE but stopping the work he does because it takes him away from his children, and I won't let him make up the time.....and now he makes less than me (I am a teacher!) (its been in two court orders, that HE agreed to, that there is no "make up time").
Anyhow, it just bugs the heck out of him, that his children, who he is used to manipulating and scaring, could be bold enough to choose to follow the approved schedule and not WANT to make up visitation time with him at his house. I let my kids choose, HE wants them to have NO voice (or choose what he wants only). Honestly, if they wanted to be over there, I would encourage them.
These NIDIOTS are the ultimate victims, are they not? "Bullly-babies" is another good term for them!!!
Anyway, that's a bit of my history....but I am not depressed about my life at all. (I was). I found a way out of the bad energy, and so will you.
These guys usually get worse, the more "free" of them we become, but then....who gives a d***? Let 'em get mad. Maybe he will get so mad, his head will explode like those "fembots" in Austin Powers! Anyhow, anger is HIS trademark, not mine.
Hope you are having a good day, bittles (can I call you bittles?)