Good to hear you!
I feel a world better...
So glad to hear it!
... but I’m wary as ever, about myself and others. Maybe that’s healthy.
It's better than being blind and off guard, I think.

That would be careless and dangerous, maybe?
It’s my problem that I don’t like the insane label.
That's ok. You don't have to assign it then.

It's whatever fits and works for your help you understand/feel ok.....that matters.
I’d like someone to define ‘sane’ to me…
1. Of sound mind; mentally healthy.
2. Having or showing sound judgment; reasonable.
By this definition, it is impossible for anyone to be completely sane, all of the time, about all things. We all have moments of insanity, insane thoughts, sometimes, I think.
‘Living in an alternative reality’
I'm not sure I would define some people who I believe are living in an alternative reality as insane, but they sure aren't normal. On the other hand, according to the above definition.....they may be a little. even harder to define eh?
It’s irritating when I choose not be hurt by it.
The irritation will pass. Good choice, on your part!
She doesn’t read me at all GFN, it’s so sad.
Sorry for that Portia.

She's like a child that isn't mature enough to read much at all. Only what she wants, decides, is interested in, feels like doing/having/saying. It's not you. It's toddlerhood, Bunny is soooo right about that!
She doesn’t know how to do ordinary stuff if it’s outside her normal MO.
Maybe one of the hardest things to except is that she never will know? She's just not going to grow up.
If she says something and you think: "She's just a child", your feeling after that might be more sympathetic toward her and cause less personal injury to you.
Yep. I did it today! With another email. It worked!
Way to go!! Thatta girl!! It seems a very reasonable, healthy, sane way to choose to react. It will only help you to keep trying.
Yes, so I think, what’s the intention behind her words? Was it really to hurt me?
Can a toddler really answer these questions accurately? Do they even plan that well? Is their judgement that sound? You swipe my toy, I swipe it back and wack you on the arm as quick. If I'm only 2 1/2, I probably didn't think about that at all beforehand, or consider how much I could hurt you. I just reacted. I didn't even think for a split second about you. It's all about me, my toy, my anger, my wanting to get what I want.
So, as you tell her about your pain....she reacts without thinking, without planning, without considering, with very little adult-like judgement....just like a toddler. Yep. That's a bigger block/stone Bunny gave you than might be realized yet. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. You will never know her intentions (truly) because she doesn't have the insight, the memory, the development to recall them, if they ever existed, maybe?
But I don’t feel worthy but so what ( haha!) I don’t care! Worrying about it won’t help I feel.
Certainly worrying is a waste of time (and if there is anyone here who never worries about anything.....please stand up

). But maybe.... if I keep sh...nagging you about'll begin to believe it's true. You're not some useless, nothing that is worthless. You're a good person, Portia. You have good qualities. You care about connecting with others and feeling and understanding and sharing. Truly all of this resides in a palace, not a dungeon. Nag. Nag. SHNag.

However, somehow you have come to believe this worthless stuff....probably because your mother was too childish to teach you otherwise. Maybe you were just like a toy to her? Maybe she meant you no ill intent, but really just didn't have the sound mind, wasn't mentally healthy enough, was unreasonably into herself, unable to make sound judgements about mothering.... like a toddler. To childish to be a mother to anyone. It wasn't you she didn't value. It is that what she values is juvenile and less sane than adult people??
But re-wiring your hard-wired responses is not easy. It’s like what?..... major surgery, that you’re performing on yourself, while under anaesthetic, with one hand tied behind your back. And the other juggling a scalpel. Dramatic?
True. And nothing worth achieving is easy.
But it’s a brain! It can cope.
Bingo.'s not a juvenile mind. It's lucky. It's grown up and can understand, deal with, be reasonable about, show sound judgement toward/about, make healthy choices in regard to....stuff. It's much saner than a toddler's brain is.
I refuse to give my mother up because that would hurt me too much. I choose.
So then what's left is accepting her for what she is, trying to see what's good in her and embracing that, dealing with her on her level (which sucks because it isn't fair but it's probably the only way to relate with her/connect somewhat

). You choose to keep her in your life and I bet you will continue to feel better by gaining more and more understanding and doing your best to empathize, while deciding your reactions. That's what makes you so much different from her. Makes you so much more a more usual/normal/common reality.
GFN, you’re great.
Portia, too kind, but thanks. I really appreciate you saying that. Now go shine your palace!!!
Ya......the next post is serious but don't panic. It's only bytes on a pc screen. More stuff to if you haven't enough.

No need to respond at all, if you don't feel like it.
Have a blooming great weekend.
You too!! I'm planning on cleaning up my gardens and out door stuff. It's perfectly gorgeous......warm, sunny, breezy, birdies singing, doggies dancing in the grass....lovely here. I love the spring!!