Author Topic: UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????  (Read 3245 times)


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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« on: April 29, 2005, 02:25:34 AM »
I had a gut feeling against her from the first interview.
First- I'm a former social worker and she seemed to have 'issues'.
Second, she was judgemental RUDE.

To British people this is unacceptable personally professionally.

I called her last weekend to request an appointment concerned that my mania was out of control and the 'suicide ideation' was creeping up.
She offered me an appointment ten days hence and basically said it was because i got drunk.

I have bipolar 1.
15 % of people with bipolar one commit suicide, countless others self-harm or attempt suicide.

At that point I was too out of control to think it might be her.

However responding to a voicemail she left me yesterday when I was completely calm, sober and in control: she started by attacking the position of my therapist, then when her ego wasn't satisfied by my mystified answers to her abrupt questions she said 'now is not a good time to talk- I'm going to bed'.

I am so glad I was so calm the whole time I was talking to her and able to see IT'S NOT ME.

But how many times am I going to have to go throught this process????

Is the world so full of narcissists it's going to be like wading through treacle for someone who's able to give them chance after chance???

Saying that- she's history.

Learning curve maybe?


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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2005, 03:05:18 AM »
Learning curve maybe?

Learning curve probably.  BP has plagued many of my relatives on my father's side.  So, I think it is a genetic thing.  And I am not an expert.  I think the problem is the diagnosis of BP and if she is focusing on "being drunk", she is not focusing on the base problem..I think that what you said about giving you a date to talk was ten days out reflects her lack of concern.  Not even knowing you, I would think that she has her own issues at risk here.  I think you are asking a good question.  Mania can be used as a term for many, many situations.  If you are looking for answers, mania can be good!


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you're right and thanks!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2005, 04:44:48 AM »
the fact is- if she were concerned about me the person ( not me the idiot/ me the drunk/ me the failure in some way...)

she would have been able to convey that empathetically.

I was a social worker for almost eight years and never called someone names or refused to answer their crises: at the end of the day I could say, I'm sorry, I'm unable to answer this right now here is xyz crisis number and someone for you to talk to until I can.

I feel emotionally raped by having sought out and tried to fit with a doctor who has in fact perpetuated a pattern, of making me feel responsible for her feelings and not stepping up to the plate when she was out of line.


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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2005, 07:33:59 AM »

Yes I think it's time to find a new psychiatrist.  You have a therapist that you like right?  I'm not really educated on these things but I guess you need a psychiatrist to prescribe medication, correct?  Also I might have missed it but what did you name your new puppy?



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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2005, 08:56:10 AM »
Hiya Write:

Sorry some "professional"s suck.  :evil:  Unfortunately, my guess is you've run into one of them in this doc.  I agree.....10 days is unconscionable!!  It's a clear sign that she does not have empathy.  A bad thing for you or anyone else who needs her help.

Definately, go with your instincts and your strong feelings, and the voices here.  Get yourself a better doc, one you feel comfortable with, one that you feel better, after talking with, one that is available to help you in an emergency, if needed.

I'm sorry there are people like this out there, Write, running businesses.  That's all they're doing, besides trying to boost their own ego by pretending to be the all powerful docs of all knowledge.  It's just wrong but it does go on. :(

There's got to be someone more competent out there for you, Write.
My prayers and hopes that you find someone with a conscience...soon.



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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2005, 09:59:32 AM »
Where did this psychiatrist come from? A referral? Can you complain to anyone? Her behavior is outrageous.


Stormchild Guesting

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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2005, 10:21:07 AM »
write, you did nothing wrong, this psychiatrist is a flaming nincompoop with the emphasis on flaming and poop, and it's totally reasonable to jettison her immediately.

since you write well you may be able to make a magnificently credible complaint against her, if you feel up to it. don't push yourself in that respect if you don't. But do keep any notes you made - one never knows what the future holds, someone you know may end up dealing with this idiot someday, or may encounter similar dysfunction.

please don't be discouraged by this. In 20 years, living in five widely separated places (two coasts, two continents and the UK) I have dealt with six different mental health professionals. I had to drop two of them.

One was male, and sided with the alcoholic who was abusing me (who had been sober when I became involved with him. No, make that dry) until the alcoholic dysfunction erupted in the middle of a counseling session... by which time it was too late, as far as I was concerned, and even though the therapist apologized, I had no confidence left in his discernment.

The other one was female, and just resented the hell out of me for some reason, and decided to get back at me for this resentment by trying to stick me with a permanent label when what I was seeing her for was a temporary problem (bereavement). She was nasty and judgmental and the stronger I became the meaner she got.

That's about one-third flaming poops. The other two thirds were and are excellent kind decent committed caring people.

Finally - in some of the jobs I have held, I have worked with physicians of various types, including psychiatrists. Sometimes they've been in active practice, sometimes in research, sometimes in development. But I have seen some real nightmares... including two psychiatric professionals (one male, one female) who suffered from N-type disorders of some kind to an extent that virtually incapacitated them in terms of daily life, never mind what it would do if they were seeing patients. Which, thank god, they were not.

Yet these obvious oiks made it into and through medical school with psych training. I asked each of them, and it turns out they both refused 'teaching therapy', which every shrink is supposed to go through (physician, heal thyself) before being turned loose on patients. But, alas, it's not compulsory, and the profession does nothing to weed these types out.

There are good ones out there, but the profession itself will not help you find them, nor will it shield you from the bad ones. At least, not in the States. If you're in the UK you may have some help that we don't, in that regard.

Best of luck to you, please don't give up on this. A good therapist is worth his or her weight in rhodium (costs a LOT more than gold).


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Re: UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2005, 10:22:33 AM »
Quote from: write
I had a gut feeling against her from the first interview.
First- I'm a former social worker and she seemed to have 'issues'.
Second, she was judgemental RUDE.

To British people this is unacceptable personally professionally.

To           people this is unacceptable personally professionally.  :D

Quote from: write
Saying that- she's history.

Good!  There are plenty of great Psy's out there.  Don't settle for this kind of "treatment."

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)

d's mom

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Re: UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2005, 07:49:35 PM »
Quote from: write
I called her last weekend to request an appointment concerned that my mania was out of control and the 'suicide ideation' was creeping up.
She offered me an appointment ten days hence and basically said it was because i got drunk.

I have bipolar 1.
15 % of people with bipolar one commit suicide, countless others self-harm or attempt suicide.

those stats are totally correct..... ive heard that bipolar has the second highest death-rate of any mental illness besides anorexia.....  sorry that happened, follow your instincts.  when you are bp, things can get out of hand -very- very fast. ....

any time at all of waiting around can be total  destruction for your life and you will have to pick up the peices, not her!

its extremely dangerous to be with professionals who are willing to let that happen to you.

i support you dumping this one and getting someone that knows what shes doing.


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thanks y'all
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2005, 01:11:28 AM »
I shoudl have done this weeks ago but i'm going through a LONG rapid cycling thing, since last June I've been manic or hypomanic loads of the time and haven't found the right medication yet.

Puppy=Peppermint, she's wonderful, a dog is a great companion.

Yes, my therapist called earlier, she is wonderful and is helping me sort out a hospital place and new doctor.

I really don't want to go into hospital, but this is the final thing in getting my life in order, medicating my illmess.

Then I'm fixed! ( smile )


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Re: thanks y'all
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2005, 01:20:45 AM »
Quote from: write
Yes, my therapist called earlier, she is wonderful and is helping me sort out a hospital place and new doctor.

Write, I am so glad that you are getting the help you need to deal with this.

Quote from: write
I really don't want to go into hospital, but this is the final thing in getting my life in order, medicating my illmess.

Sounds like no fun, but do whatever YOU need to do to take care of yourself.

Quote from: write
Then I'm fixed! ( smile )

Then the problem is fixed.  YOU are not broken. :D

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2005, 05:57:53 AM »
Then I'm fixed

You'll be "fixed" but I think that you are doing an incredible thing.  You are taking the reins and taking care of yourself.  That's huge in my opinion.  You may be my role model!  And, dogs are the best.  I own far too many of them myself.  Or, do they own me?  Take care....bittles

vunil as guest

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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2005, 09:18:18 AM »
I'm with everyone else-- please dump this woman.  And maybe let someone know how she behaved--I don't know the organizations there for reporting such things, but it might feel satisfying to do so. And, she needs to not be hurting people this way.

The key for you right now is to get the right medicine so that these cycles stop running away with you.  That must feel awful, having that happen.  I am wishing you lots of good luck in finding that even keel, with whatever you need to help with that.  {{{write}}}  I am glad you are taking the reins to take care of yourself.


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UPDATE did I pick an n-psychiatrist????
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2005, 12:09:34 PM »
Hi write, good on you for dumping the bad therapist, who is clearly unfit for her job. I was shocked to hear that "teaching therapy" isn't compulsory, I thought that it was, maybe it is where I come from, but I will certainly check before going to therapy again.
Take care, and good luck with finding a new therapist!

P.S. I edited this on monday morning, I had a stupid question that I actually knew the answer to. D.S.
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