TY Guest Peach for the www. Yikes, I could not believe some of their responses to some posts. Heck I would be scared to ask anything to one of the dudes.
I just have to come to the realization that I will never get every question answered about it. I think alot of times what bothers me is that my xN felt I did not have the right to have any type of closure. It is not that I have a problem with a relationship ending, we have all had to deal with that. My problem is the way it happened.
The thought that they just move along to another makes me think they are happy with a warm body beside them no matter who it is. They have no attachment to anything. I wonder if they had a favorite toy when they were young? Or is that out of their reach too? They bond with nothing if I am understanding it. They arent in touch with their emotions, so heck why would they be in touch with ours? How could they?
My closure will come but it sure won't be from him. In time I will give up trying to figure it all out. I dont think Sigmund Freud could have dealt with it better then we are. Reading it and living it are two different things.
Ty for the site. I did read many of the post, then just snuck out quietly before they sensed my presence.