You know, I sit here and I read some of the comments being made about me saying the "N" word. I have said this a million freggin times and I am going to say it one more time with the hope that whoever lurks here will know what I said and realize it is my opinion how I felt she was behaving, not yours, MINE!!
I did not call her a N, I stated she was behaving with N actions, Geesh freggin pete. I really felt it then and I am damn sure of it now. I want to show from Sands own list of some of the actions I witnessed from her on that post. Now remember folks, it is IMHO, doesnt mean it has to be yours, but I damn sure have the right to have a freggin IMHO, remember, we lost that right at one time, well I got mine back and I am going to freggin say it whether or not it agrees with IYHO, but ya know, I just do not plan on fighting my whole freggin life with people that think that THEIR HUMBLE OPINION WIPES OUT EVERYONE ELSES WHINEY WEAK OPINION.
Quoted from Sands list of 85 blah blah.
Emotional immaturity. Behavior is not age appropriate.
2. Self-centeredness. He comes first and foremost. Is insincere about real interest in other people.
3. Little if any remorse for mistakes.
7. Inability to postpose immediate gratification - what he wants, he wants now. Impulsive and demanding.
10. Tendency to project his own shortcomings on to the world about him - frequent blaming. Never at fault.
13. Gives lip service to professed values and beliefs.
16. Ability to put up a good ‘front' to impress and exploit others.
(I am seeing more of this going on right now then when I stated it in the first damn place)
18. Can ‘con' to get what he wants to meet his needs, often at the expense of others. The behavior is highly repetitious and many people are used.
19. Sees others as pawns on the chess board. Maneuvers people around for his own purposes. When done with them, they are ‘checkmated' or rejected.
20. Ready rationalization - rarely at a loss for words - twists conversation to divorce himself from responsibility. When he is trapped, he just keeps talking or changes the subject, or gets angry.
21. Incapable of maintaining genuine loyalities to any person, group, or code.
24. ‘ Chip on shoulder' attitude - cocky and arrogant.
63. Convincing. Successful at getting other people to believe in his perception of a problem. Is adamant that people side with him vs. Allow them to feel/believe differently.
68. He has to be right. He has to win. He has to look good.
69. He announces, not discusses. He tells, not asks.
84. Is not interested in problem-solving openly.
Now, whether or any anyone else agrees with this, I am stating this is what I saw from Sand that made me want to come forward and speak out about it. I didnt even post about herm. KNOW WHY??????? Because I did not have all of the facts and I had no right to put my two cents in. Perhaps that would be some good advice for anyone and everyone for that matter on the N-Partner board.
Right now all I am witnessing is alot of bad mouthing about my comment. Ya know what, if it makes ya feel better, hang me for my opinion. But grow the hell up and look around at everything and I do mean everything. I saw how Sand was becoming more hostile with herm as that one post went on. She was out of line, so if it means I kicked for speaking my mind, damn right!! I should have done it two freggin miserable years ago with my xN. That would have saved me from alot of crap, including my broken rib and the chipping away bit by bit at my FEELINGS OF HAVING THE RIGHT TO SPEAK MY MIND. Ya damn right I spoke up for what I believed to be how Sand treated Herm.
I really hope everyone who just can not get over me saying the N word realises that alot of her behavior is what triggered me to speak. I just will not allow anyone else in my lifetime to warp my sense of judgement. That includes in person and on that board. It is what it is. I do not think Sands comments to Hope were just a normal arguement. To me it screams "I am talking hope, shut the hell up and what I say goes. Now run right on along and have a long miserable life like you had while living with a N, tata hope.
But then again, that is only IMHO. Good grief, get over me saying the N action word. Its there in black and white. Geese Louise!