Hi, everyone--I hope that you're all enjoying your weekend.
I hope you folks don't mind my running something by you. Just when I think that my Nfamily couldn't get any whackier, they re-emerge crazier than ever.
I will try and make this post as concise as possible(I don't think that there's enough memory on my computer to type everything that has happened the past three years, let alone the past 30!).
I have one brother with whom I am very close, and each of us has cut-off contact from the remainder of our family(a mother and sister who are raging N's, and a father and two other siblings who are enmeshed). To make a very long story short, Nmom/sis's jealousy of and mistreatment of SIL(brother's wife) rips apart family(straw that broke the camel's back, really), with brother/SIL and husband/me on one side, and the remainder of our family on the other.
Brother and I cut ourselves off from the family three years ago, but as many of you know, with N's it is all about control(how DARE we think for ourselves?!), so the past three years have been fraught with desperate, angry and outrageous attempts by them(any of you who read my post about their funeral-crashing last month know what I mean) to make contact(or in my opinion, trouble) with us.
If I am not paranoid, then this new development is one for the record books....
My SIL(brother's wife) has a sister who is married to a long-time local politician(nothing really high-profile, but he is very popular and has served several terms). I have just found out that said BIL of my SIL(sorry, hope I'm not getting too convoluted) will be facing a challenger this election cycle(after several terms of running unopposed). Any guesses?
His opponent just so happens to be.... the husband of my Nsister. Now, WHY do my alarm bells go off? First of all, Nsister's husband NEVER had any "fire in his belly" to run for public office up to this point, and the "incumbent" has run for a number of election cycles(so there have been plenty of opportunities to unseat him, had Nsister's husband really wanted to--Nsister's husband is not even in the realm of politics).
Secondly, if I were to characterize the personality of Nsister's husband, it would be "milquetoast-y"(I think that anyone who wanted to stay married to Nsister would have to be--as my father once said, "Sometimes, in order to keep peace in the castle, you have to please the troll." I think that this BIL does a lot of troll-pleasing, and I think that my dad's comment speaks volumes about his marriage to my Nmom, but I digress...).
Thirdly, I think that my family(Nmom and Nsister especially) would like nothing more than to try and "stick it" to my SIL(in their minds, anyway) and her family, and they're desperate to ellicit any kind reaction from my brother. Since we're keeping away from them, I can't help but wonder if they're so desperate for our attention that they would so far as to engage in such an exercise.
Lastly, my Nsister has done NOTHING with her twenty-something year-old life(she CAN'T work this or that job, because they're way beneath her or she doesn't want to have to drive more than a block to work, or she didn't like the fact that so-and-so job interviewer didn't smooch her backside enough to her liking, the list goes on), yet she wants to tell the rest of the world how to live. She frequently writes obnoxious, sarcastic letters to our local newspaper, and every time one of them is published, I cringe from embarrassment. It's amazing, for someone who has seen and done very little with her life, she has an awful lot(of nothing) to say about everyone and everything(so what better arena for her to be in than public policy, where her influence could affect the lives of thousands of other people?)
So, I guess what I am wondering is, from the limited information I've put on this post(I feel like I've been typing forever, I think that my eyes might explode

), could this exercise be yet another warped way in which they are trying to stay connected to us(my brother, especially)?
Your thoughts would be welcomed and greatly appreciated---even if you think I'm full of horse-puckey(I hope that I am in this case!). Either way, thank you very much for taking the time to read my protracted rant!