hi samantha and all..... :} i guess you dont know me but im so glad you were able to move and find a better place. it was very interesting to see this thread today becuase it had so much to do with anger which i was thinking about quite a bit today.
i do want to say, that i can empathise with betty broderick, on a certain level. i do think that she went over the edge and could have made better choices on that account. there is no excuse for killing anyone, and reflects extremely poor decision making on her part. (at least) but, i must comment, that facing someone very similar, a doctor, a very rich person, a very good liar, someone that almost everyone tends to 'believe' without question, can be enormously frustrating. (and she was dealing with a -lawyer-!)
there have been times, when i have sat in my house and truly thought that violence was going to be the only solution.. and those times have been, when i realized that not only was this person going to 'win' and that -everybody- that mattered believed -them-.... and not me..... but that -society- was not going to help me..... the -police- were not going to help me...... and worse yet..... the legal system, our supposed last bastion of freedom and truth in america, where all are equal under the law, was not even coming close to going to help me.......
i realize the original post was made from germany and things may be slightly different legal-wise. however, in 'america' there is supposed to be an expectation of equal protection under the law. its a myth we are brought up believing in as though it were true.
no matter -who- you are, you are 'supposed' to be equal under the law, and able to get the protection of the law, when you need it.
when you realize that is a myth - when you realize that the 'law' is not only abandoning you but actually aiding and abetting your abuser - and that there isnt a damn thing you can do about it - it can be a -very- horrible thing to know. you lose faith in a whole lot of very big things at once.
it can be something that can make you feel as though there is really nobody that will ever hear you. at that point, you can seriously get to a point where you feel as though totally losing it is the only answer. i dont think it is of course. its a choice made out of desparation and lack of creativity. however, i have been where she was at. and it happens when you realize, that there is -noone- to protect you. noone and nothing.
i do have to say, its a very bad feeling and i have known where she was at.
interesting thread to come up today. glad you are 'out' samantha - total disengagement as much as possible is i think the way to go.
take care, thanks for the thread :}
d's mom