Thank you Brigid, for you candid reply.
I am working everyday with these very issues myself, and it's good to take a pulse from time to time.
Whenever i catch myself seemingly being enabling, i will STOP, and readjust myself. Of course, this has been causing havoc in my relationship with significant other because the N in him does not like the new, improved, and empowered ME.

But i am on a roll now, getting stronger all the time, and cannot go back to being enabling. Sometimes, i wonder, if i am overcompensating too much or being too hard on him. Ooops, is that an enabling thought, or what?
Also, Now, whenever i pick up on other people acting either N'ish or enabling, i just back away like a slow beeping truck and get the heck away from them altogether. Now, I understand how in the past, N's and enablers would walk right into a comfortable relationship with each other. The temptation is so strong between the types. Its a perfect match.
Needless to say, i have dropped alot of N's and enabling types from my list of friends. I will have to make a whole new set of healthy friends as i become healthier myself.