Oh boy, this one hit close to home. I have been playing this one over and over in my head for the last couple of weeks. This might be a long post so I apologize up front.
My ex N and I had dated for almost 3 yrs when he called it off. It sent me searching for answers to his behavior and such. I stumbled upon NPD and I literally sat for 4 hrs reading the same article over and over. It was like someone had plucked his name out of the article but it was chilling how he would do or say things that were written in the NPD article.
When we broke up I had concerns for his daughters safety. I had threatened him shortly before we broke up that if he did not seek help for his anger for his daughters sake, I would take the necessary measures to make sure her safety was maintained. When we broke up I called her school and I asked that they make sure that her safety was monitored. I asked that if there were any abnormal bruisings or such could they plz report it to the proper authorities. I also explained that I was not making accusations but that her father had been physical in the past and that I needed to make sure that someone was monitoring her safety. By law they have to inform the parents of calls of such nature so they told him and I bet it couldnt have been more then 5 minutes later he called me.
He made every threat imagineable and he cussed and he ranted and blah blah. I told him that if I ever caught wind of him hurting her I would personally make sure that it would be his last. I wrote his parents a long email explaining how his behavior had been. I told them he had broken a couple of my ribs and I pleaded with them to force him to get help. I told him and his parents that if he did not produce a receipt or some kind of proof that he was seeking help for her and his temper I would report him to the proper authorities.
How stupid and naive could I have been? Thought I was reaching out to people who cared about their son and their grandaughter. What I did was put them on full allert. Instead of going to his house and jerking a knot in his tail, they went to his house and immediately began their damage control. Within 2 days I was served a summons to court. He had tried to slap a restraining order on me. A couple of months went by, we went to court and he dropped all charges.
As we were walking out of the courtroom he asked if we could talk. I should have ran as fast as I could but ya know what, I did not. We talked and we ended up getting back together. I talked for hours with him about his actions and what NPD was. He confessed he had always known something was wrong and I asked him to put his faith and trust in me and I would stand by him as long as he continued to make progress and such. Oh he confessed this, and he confessed that, and he told his parents all about his N and blah blah. Mind you he is a spittin image of his father so you can only guess what came next.
His mothers reply was "if she thinks she is going to get a pat on the back she has another thing coming. That trouble making BIT** is never to step into my house, and I mean FOREVER!!!!!" Well she didnt mean forever, she meant until she could devise a plan to get her lil pooky back under her spell. His parents plotted and they plotted and they laid their seeds once again.
A yr passed and I had realized how much of myself had been lost in that hell of a year. I was accused of running off his family, his friend (long story on the friend but its a soap opera story at that). I had enough, he got physical again and broke tons of my stuff. As I was packing my stuff up he threw a bunch of my perfumes (dolce & gabbana included, grrrr) and shattered about 20 bottles of it. I was cleaning it up so I could get the hell out of dodge and he came at me again. I swung that broom without a second thought and I busted him with a right hook after I hit him with the broom. 10 stitches later and a huuuuge reality check for me at the police station, I realized that a lion is a lion no matter how hard you wish them to be a kitty cat.
I reached out and I told many people on his side. Know what, I did nothing but make small waves and they perceived me as the nut instead of him. Not that it mattered because he got it honestly from his parents but good grief. If someone would have told me that my son had done the stuff that he did to me, I would have kicked his ass so hard as I was packing my grandaughters suitcase to take her to a safe and loving home.
I think what is so hard for me to deal with is that I lost so much from this relationship. I sacrificed so much to stand by my man. What a joke. It took me awhile to realize that it was STAND BY YOUR MAN, not LET YOUR MAN STAND ON YOU. To this day I am still the scape goat for him. Sad thing is, whats their excuse for him for the previous 35 years before I came into his life. It is just easier for them to sweep this under their rug. Heck, why wouldnt his family? His behavior is normal to them, they are N and he learned it from good ole millionaires mommy and daddy.