Chutzpahgirl: I have had a few mother's days, birthdays, Christmases, etc etc like that. It does stink. I'm sorry.
I was married to two losers in that department. Even if I SPELLED IT OUT, exactly what I wanted (though I admit, I resented that I needed to do that, for Pete's sake!!), I still felt that I had to MAKE it happen, which of course, ruined the holiday from the get go.
So now, I am in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful man, who thinks up fun stuff to do when our children are together, but I have to tell you, he is still a bit clueless. I think when we women were watching/reading things about how happy people do holidays with children, the men just weren't watching!!
Now the difference would be, that you aren't just talking about holidays, you are talking about your whole marriage arent' you?
It is horrible to feel that you are responsible for most or all of the emotional part of a marriage. It is NOT suppose to be that way. No, men don't need to be mindreaders, but if your husband is that tuned out that he is not even concerned that you are unhappy, I think you have a real decision to make.
I stayed with my ex because of the kids, and then I left him because of the kids. They deserve to see what love is.....and at least they would see it in how I love myself. I simply could not pass on his family's dysfunction to another generation (never mind this is MY life too!!!)
So I will send you lots of love, light and strength while you step foot in figuring this out. Much love.