Welcome. I joined this site only a few months ago and have found it to be an incredible sanctuary. I'm glad you found us!
Your experience probably resonates with everyone here, in one way or another. The pain is very real. And, from what i hear from our friends here, the cycle isn't short for overcoming it - in part because these events happend when we were children, so they formed who we are today. Our thoughts, our expectations - of ourselves and others.
I keep trying to find an analogy for it, but I feel like dealing and slowly accepting the situation, learning to cope with whatever interaction we still have, and learning who we really are - I feel like these things do hurt. Alot. but, it is a different kind of pain that you experience when you're inside the system.
I remember feeling this sort of boiling over anger - almost a rage. Of course, i silenced it and smiled. But, Id reach these points when my muscles hurt with the strain of it - and I'd just wait for bedtime when I could burst into tears in the quiet of my own room - and hopefully let some of the tension go. that was painful.
these days, I just find myself crying and reliving - but all of it is healing. Like I'm slowly cleaning a wound. It is sore, and the antiseptic stings - but it will heal. I'm no longer picking the scab over and over...
Welcome, again.. and we'll be here through your journey...