Author Topic: how do I get past the pain  (Read 3905 times)


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how do I get past the pain
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2005, 11:17:08 PM »
Thank you so much for that poem!!!

Those 4 lines said it all.

I think I will put that on my frig so I can read it every day and remind myself what I never really had in the first place.

I am just amazed at now many other women have gone through this same horrible experience with a Naricssist that I have gone throught.
I didn't even know what a narcissist was until I started doing reseach on the internet to try and figure out what his problem was because I knew it wasn't me. I guess in this case love does not concur all.

You know, I am not a violent person by nature but I sure would love to Rip His Face Off... :evil:

I wish I could have my memory of him erased.
Do you ever feel that way?



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how do I get past the pain
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2005, 04:53:57 PM »
Hi Robin and welcome:

Yes live and learn.  It's so hard to figure out sometimes eh?  These people are such good con artists and they suck others right in.  I'm glad you are away from him and are posting here.  Keep doing that....especially if the urge hits to contact him.

Don't do it!!!

He sounds dangerous to me.  His keeping two appartments just doesn't sound ligit.  That was not his home you visited.  His comments about the dog and his seeming to enjoy the idea of the cat being hurt are disturbing.   Using all these identities to lure women and his seeming to want great bouts of power in the bedroom, spell trouble, I think.  Stay away Robin!!

He is a jerk, to say the least, and he has hurt you deeply.  That is so unfair and I'm so sorry for all of that and what you've been through because of him.  Please remember the stuff that is scarey and weird and don't let yourself contact him again.  I agree with those who say he's really bad news.




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~the hardest thing
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2005, 06:46:47 PM »
about having been involved with an n- and the one which drives us all to impotent frustrated rage- is to discover that it's not like any other relationship or break up. We are dropped or swept aside as though we're nothing, and the n will delight in letting us know just how great the new partner/ life is or how little we meant anyway. We are worthless to an n once we stop massaging that ego. The faster we realise that that's how it's going to be, and it's their problem, not ours, and the best revenge we can get is go on and make our own decent life without them- the easier the path to recovery.

Don't take any of it personally. It really isn't about you with an n!
And remember- Mr two-timing-two-faced-self-obsession takes his ball of angst and misery with him, happiness will elude him forever if he treats people how he's treated you.

Don't worry, you saw through him, his future victims will too.

I understand your anger, I have been there, but don't let it keep you trapped. Find some way to get rid of it and get on with your life. He really isn't worth another moment's consideration.
