Author Topic: My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!  (Read 8588 times)


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2005, 04:34:25 PM »
Hi mum, just a quick one from me to clarify this one point, but I’ll think over the rest of your post (for tomorrow).

If you are suggesting that posting here at all, is fruitless, because of all the differing ideologies, and that because of those, we should just watch it all happen, without opinion or loving advice, now that would be an interesting thing to hear.

Not at all, absolutely not, of course not, no.  I’m surprised by this! Why would I suggest that posting here is fruitless? I’ve been here for 18+ months and it has literally changed my life. No way is it fruitless, to me. I really want you to know that I think that!

I have actually thought of that frequently (and your post has me wondering, so thanks for the intriquing thought inspiration).

I was pretty naïve and angry and dumb and confused about all things psychological when I came here, so for me, no, I haven’t thought about it being fruitless because it’s been such a huge learning experience, and continues to be so. I had to let you know my thoughts on this one point. It feels important to me! Back tomorrow, best to you mum, portia


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2005, 05:18:02 PM »
I'm guessing you were a middle child.  They are usually the ones who like to resolve conflict.  I'm a first born and we have no problem with conflict. :twisted:

I feel that it's OK to disagree and be able to express that disagreement.  It is how we learn and grow.  I think that minimizing sarcasm and avoiding hurtful remarks is probably in the best interests of the wounded souls on this site, however.  

I do agree with Portia that if a post disturbs us, we should reread it several times to be sure of the context before returning a post.  I felt something I posted last week was totally misconstrued, leading to a very different conclusion by the reader than I had intended.  But it is bound to happen occasionally when we are in the throws of a difficult time and as friends we need to be understanding of that.

I think there are some benefits to occasionally resolving conflict here.  There are skills to be learned and for some people apologizing and being humble do not come easily.  We can practice those behaviors with our cyber friends in the hopes of doing a better job of it in our "real" lives.

Just my 2 cents (US that is--meaning worth next to nothing  :roll: )


mum as guest

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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2005, 06:47:41 PM »
Brigid: I do think it is entirely benificial to resolve conflict here or elsewhere. I  think handling things in a way that will escalate conflict will absolutely NOT resolve it (duh), including "sticking to our guns" or any attachment behavoirs including sarcasm or defensiveness.  That said, I am rather attached to being understood, and I know that.  But if I am misunderstood...oh well. I can and do let that go, but if I can repair damage, and by that I mean relationships, I will.

Which leads me into what I was saying to Portia.  At a certain point, I will mull over things (everything) on a spiritual level, which will ultimately bring me to thinking we are all one in the same, which will make sharing both pointless AND essential.  I can choose to walk away, get involved, care or not care, and the world will go on.

Oh, and I am not a middle child.  I am laughing so hard at that one because I am the youngest in an extremely large family.  My son is the oldest of  my children and he is the most non confrontational person I know.  Go figure.  I'm sure we fit into some catagory, somewhere...but I'm not a "concrete sequential" , I am an "abstract random" (I say these learning style labels to make a point, tongue firmly in cheek) so boxes and catagories are definately not my thing.

People are more than welcome to their views on birth order, astrological signs, numerology, etc. to help them figure out themselves and others.  I am (as we all are) a product of my thoughts, feelings and beliefs, which may or may not include birth order, religious training, past lives, numerology, horoscopic sign, an episode in the fourth grade, parental influence, what I eat, etc etc etc.  
But I will admit to a distate for labels or limitations of any kind (I toned down the "hate" word, as I realize that using it unjudiciously fosters no none can see each other here, as Portia pointed out).

I stand by my original intent, which is that I had an experience that was not pleasant, as I spread some darkness instead of light, and since that is important for ME, I thought I could spare someone else.

We are ALL entitled to feel whatever we want when we read a post....and we are all free to react/not react....ask others to not react/ ask why they said what they said, whatever.

I do not feel the need to explain further, but I do find the topic of "conflict" and the "conflict' it seems to have generated quite interesting.
It does give me a lot to meditate on, and that is always a help.


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2005, 08:24:41 PM »
We are ALL entitled to feel whatever we want when we read a post....and we are all free to react/not react....ask others to not react/ ask why they said what they said, whatever.

Yes, we are all entitled to do whatever we want. That means also that we have to bear the consequences if we tell others how to react (or do, as in Bunny's case).


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2005, 07:13:29 AM »
Morning Mum, I’ll respond to a few things. I want to make my points clearer because I feel that this thread could escalate into more misunderstandings.

Why did I post initially? Because sometimes it’s good for people to make their own mistakes so that they can learn from them. Conflict can be a huge learning experience.

This thread was not your conflict. The people on this thread are adults. You say you are wiser for your experience. Does it make sense to give others the opportunity to learn from their experiences? What happened to you is not what was happening here in this thread.

Perhaps because I work in education, if I were asked how I handle conflict in your job interview scenario: I would not say I would avoid it. I would say that on my best days I would handle it personally, without judgement and defensiveness and try to understand what it is I was attached to that caused the problem for me, that I would listen with good intention to what the other person is saying and do my best to resolve it with everyone's dignity intact.
I don't know what other jobs are like, but if I handled conflict intentionally
through hammer over the head methodology, I would be out of a job, or not in that "business" in the first place.

I wouldn’t say avoid conflict either. Maybe you thought when I said “ohhhh let's not bother eh?” I mean avoid it? What I meant was: please, let’s not bother with that question. Because the answer is too long and too complex. How would I deal with conflict? It depends on who the conflict is between, it depends on whether I am directly involved, it depends on whether in fact the conflict is between people or, for example, priorities. I said “ohhhh let's not bother eh?” because it’s a very difficult not-black-and-white question to answer, like most things. I think it’s possible you misunderstood what I meant, because I wasn’t clear. I wouldn’t use a “hammer over the head methodology”. Did you think that I might do that? If so, why? Did I indicate that?

That was my motivation. I do "hate" misunderstandings between people, that can lead to
more pain where healing could be instead.

I think sometimes that healing, self-awareness, does not happen without more pain. To stop someone’s pain is to stop their healing sometimes.

I don’t think I can tell when misunderstandings between other adults here might lead to pain without gain, or pain with gain. Self-awareness happens at different rates and in different ways. When we get involved in other adults’ conflicts, it is because of something within us. For example, we may have a need to ‘help’ (or control), a fear of conflict in general…etc. I’m no expert, others could do a much better job of explaining those motivations.  

If you are suggesting that posting here at all, is fruitless, because of all the differing ideologies, and that because of those, we should just watch it all happen, without opinion or loving advice, now that would be an interesting thing to hear. I have actually thought of that frequently (and your post has me wondering, so thanks for the intriquing thought inspiration).

I’m still shocked by this paragraph above. I can’t understand why you thought this. I’m also now caught up on your mentioning ‘differing ideologies’ – I like to explore different ideologies here, but that’s not my main purpose for being here. That’s a bonus to me. The main reason for being here is simply to connect with other people, especially other people who have had similar experiences to me. ‘Reading between the lines’ as it were, I wonder if you think I’m just playing here, that I don’t take this board very seriously? I replied to this paragraph above, but you have not responded to my post. Why not? This is important to me, as I said. I feel upset because I think I’m being misunderstood. My intentions on this board are true and honest. I’ve slept on this and I still feel upset about it.  

I stand by my original intent, which is that I had an experience that was not pleasant, as I spread some darkness instead of light, and since that is important for ME, I thought I could spare someone else.

Mum I think your intention was good and I mean that sincerely. (There is no sarcasm in this post.) If we can spare others’ pain, I think we should try to do that. I am for helping and not harming. Unfortunately what others experience is not what we experience. We’re all different. We can’t take it for granted that what others are doing in their conflicts is the same as, or similar to, what we have experienced. I hope you see my point?

(Sooner or later I’m going to have to get out of this thread and apologise to Jaded911 for completely hijacking her thread! Sorry Jaded911 but now I’m here in conversation…..I can’t just up and go….)


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2005, 07:18:22 AM »
Hi Brigid, about birth-order. I’m an unwanted only child, lived with my mother and step-father after my parents divorce when I was about 3.

Through my step-father’s previous marriage I had (he’s now dead) two step-siblings (who are now ‘ex-step-siblings’?!) who I hardly saw.

Through my father’s second marriage I had another two step-siblings who I saw a few times, plus a half-brother from that marriage. He’s still a half-brother! Through my father’s third marriage I have another two half-sibs who I know fairly well.

What my childhood taught me was to be mortally afraid of conflict. This didn’t equip me well for adult life.

On this board, I’ve been allowed to and helped to grow out of that, basically by acting out like a kiddie in a sweet shop. I’ve raged with other members, and yes, one is a good friend now. Being able to experience conflict in this safe place has done me good and others too, I’ve seen it and talked about it afterwards. I agree with you about humility. Conflict helps people realise where their buttons are and helps them change. Maybe not everyone needs it and it can certainly make the board appear unstable sometimes. But it’s Dr G’s board and I see him as a safety valve: if it gets out of hand, he’ll step in. Which is great!


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2005, 09:17:38 AM »
I missed the Guest post. I’ll comment.

We are ALL entitled to feel whatever we want when we read a post....and we are all free to react/not react....ask others to not react/ ask why they said what they said, whatever.

Yes, we are all entitled to do whatever we want. That means also that we have to bear the consequences if we tell others how to react (or do, as in Bunny's case).

I agree that we bear the consequences of our actions. Sometimes we do things and the consequences are not as we expected or hoped. Because others misinterpret our actions. Or our delivery isn’t clear. Communication is messy and is hard work.

Specifically about:
if we tell others how to react (or do, as in Bunny's case).
I just read Bunny’s posts on this thread. As far as I can tell, she has made two statements which sound plainly directing (telling Jaded911 how to act/do). They are:

"Refocus on yourself"
"Just let it go."

I think the first sounds like good advice. The second, well, it’s tricky. If we’re having trouble letting go, being told to let go doesn’t help us. It might put us on the defensive. A bit like being told to “calm down” - to which one response is, at 90 decibels: “ I am calm!”.

That’s what I think Guest. But I’d prefer to leave the actual conflict/misunderstanding here to Bunny and Jaded911. Both Bunny and Jaded911 have been members here longer than I have. I don’t know all the interactions that have happened between them. I don’t know the history. Maybe they had a ding-dong at some point, maybe not. I don’t know.

Bunny and Jaded911: please don’t let me hijack this thread from either of you. Bunny you said you wouldn’t post to this thread any more, will you change your mind? I guess if Jaded911 doesn’t come back, that’s irrelevant. I guess it’s with you Jaded911 if you want to. At least that’s what I see.


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2005, 09:54:40 AM »
Hey, Portia.  I am really very sorry that what I wrote caused you concern or upset.  I tried to make myself clearer in my second response...I'm obviously not doing a very good job of it!!  :oops:
As with everyone, I am coming at things through my own experience and mind....and I truly wonder sometimes, if things are not worth doing.  It's just an exploration in my head that I do, when I realize people can talk and talk forever about differences, but when they get right down to it (but we hardly ever do) we are all talking about the same thing, all concerned about the same thing, but we have different ways of going about it.
This was perhaps brought up by your response, but it is MY choice, my issue and I take responsibility for that.
In response to the part about letting people learn from pain.  Absolutely, it is the only way to learn, unfortunately.  But here, when someone posts something along the lines of: should I go back to my horribly abusive ex because I'm lonely?  Many will respond with: oh, please don't......don't do that to yourself, etc.  We respond because we have been there....we have seen it. It would be wrong for ME to let that happen without at least trying to show them there is a way to learn that hurts less....or is more self preserving.  Again, MY choice/My issue.

I have no problem, issue or hurt feelings with anything you have said to me.  I really am sorry if I have hurt you.......this is my focus, to NOT hurt....and perhaps I did it again...oh, this being human, it honestly frustrates me so!   We suffer and cause suffering.  I only seek to understand, and without sight, we are swimming upstream sometimes in the understanding catagory on the keyboard.  

But really do see your point.  No one asked me.  I stuck my thoughts in there without invitation.  And THAT is part of the "why bother" question I am asking...myself, mostly.
Jaded and Bunny, I apologize for sticking my nose in.  I just like hearing from both of you so much, and I felt something like hurt feelings was going on.  I am sorry if I was mistaken or spoke out of turn.


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2005, 03:15:48 AM »
Howdy everyone!

I just wanted to say that everyone has the right to think or feel whatever they what to.  I have always enjoyed people who feel confident enough to state their thoughts and feelings.   I respect people who state their opinions, whether I agree or disagree with what their opinions are.  

I can only speak for myself on how I like to handle conflicts.  I tend to handle conflicts differently depending on the situation.  I guess it just depends on how they are tossed at me.  I felt that bunny put more into my post then what was intended.  My intentions where to state that while some of us seem to think that our N are living high on the hog, they still continue to struggle despite their efforts to prove otherwise.  I know my N, I know his taste in music, and I just thought it was interesting insight to see his choice of songs.  The lyrics did not state that he was a party hound out looking for his next lay.  The lyrics stated "I am F'D up in the head and I have been for years!!!!!

I immediately tried to inform bunny that her interpretation of my post and his intentions were off track and her response I felt was a bit rough.

 Now even though I disagree with how bunny approached me on her response, I still feel that she is entitled to her thoughts and her opinions and I am happy she posted them.  I only wish she would have softened up her response.   I tend to disagree with bunny on how she approached my post because  I feel that telling anyone on this board that something is a waste of their time and to get over it, well I just don't feel that is the proper thing to say to anyone on this board.  If we could all just let it go or just forget about it, well we wouldnt be here would we?

I snooped into his stuff because of reasons I did not post.  Trust me there is a reason  but I didnt need to go into that because my post focussed on the lyrics to his songs, not why I felt the need to snoop through some stuff.  Is it intrusive on my part?  Hell yes it is!  But heres how I look at that situation.  It was intrusive as hell, but Ive been screwed enough by this dude and I will be damned if it is going to happen again.  When he says he hasnt received bail money from the courts that I PAID when he broke MY RIBS and had ME ARRESTED for domestic violence, then by God, you bet your bummy im gonna research to see if he has MY BAIL!!  So when bunny posted to just let it go.  Well, trust me everyone, I let it go.  I sure did, I let it go while sitting at the police station.  

I always try to watch my approach with people on this forum and I guess I felt the approach was a little harsh but I respect bunny for voicing.  I have never had a conflict with bunny nor anyone else here and I dont intend on starting now.

All is good with me and I have not been offended nor pissed off by anyone.
Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!



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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2005, 12:13:57 PM »
Quote from: Jaded911
FYI Bunny, I have left him alone, I will continue to leave him alone, and I have let it go.  Wow, before I post my next post I will check with you to make sure it is an acceptable one.  Hows that?

I suspect that there are a whole lot of very caring people here, who are not quite connecting, for whatever reason.  I don't think I have managed to read any sarcasm in any of the posts, though.   :?   Confusion, maybe, and a lot of pain.  

First of all, Jaded, I agree with Bunny that you need to focus on your own self, because that is what should be the most important thing for you.  It is also what is most important to anyone here when reading your posts.  Your perp can find his own support group.   :)   You might care to look at the posts you make and compare how many times you say 'I' with how many times you say 'he' to get an idea of what is meant by that, and why someone from the outside may see things differently from yourself.  That doesn't make them right and you wrong; but it does mean they care about you if they take the trouble to try to help.

It is also clear that you are very defensive about yourself, and although you say you have not been offended, you have used some cutting language in your replies.   :?   Defensiveness doesn't make you wrong, but sometimes your defensive language becomes something more.  It indicates, perhaps, that you have been hurt enough and don't want to be hurt any more.  I don't blame you for that at all; I agree absolutely.  But it is very easy to hurt others when protecting ourselves, and I think this might well happen with the kind of language that I have read from you.  I hope you don't mind me pointing this out.    

Telling you to care for yourself, and concentrate on your own life rather than someone else's is not an attack on your integrity, or on anything you may or may not have done up until now.  It is an attempt to help you to defend your integrity.  But because you are used to being attacked, it is easy to go on the defensive and think that this is what is happening again.  Perhaps you could think about whether this is the case, or whether actually, what was said was intended to help you to protect you?  

This person, your N, sounds like a real nasty.  We have all met real nasties, and we all know how difficult it is to disengage from them, and disentangle ourselves.  Well done for breaking free, and for sorting your life out.  Well done for going to the police.  That is exactly right, imo.   :)

The idea of songs was a good one.  What are your favourites?


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« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2005, 05:18:31 PM »
Anyone know Jaded or bunny in real life?  If not, why do you feel you have the right to judge their characters?


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« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2005, 07:18:02 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Anyone know Jaded or bunny in real life?  If not, why do you feel you have the right to judge their characters?

Have you considered whether this post of yours might represent a judgement of the characters of people you do not know?

Just a thought.   :lol:


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2005, 07:30:34 PM »
That was my intent sunshine.  Nothing more, nothing less.  TY for your post. I have always picked my songs to match my mood.  If I am getting ready to go out with friends or such I like to listen to upbeat music.  If I want to have a chick moment I listen to the fu fu music.   I also think about songs that have special meanings for me.  As you said, how many songs do we hear but never really listen to the words until they catch our attention because they relate to us?  Interesting thought isnt it!
Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me!


1st Guest

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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2005, 10:04:09 PM »
it is very easy to hurt others when protecting ourselves

October, perhaps this should have been directed at Bunny, who mistakenly read more into the original post than what the poster intended.

Bunny, if you're still reading this thread, it's OK to make mistakes.


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My curiosity got the best of me, interesting insight though!
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2005, 07:17:15 AM »
Quote from: 1st Guest
it is very easy to hurt others when protecting ourselves

October, perhaps this should have been directed at Bunny, who mistakenly read more into the original post than what the poster intended.

Bunny, if you're still reading this thread, it's OK to make mistakes.

Nice try.   8)  

When I write to anyone, I always ensure that what I write is applicable to me first, before anyone else.  Including the above comment of mine.  The only 'sins' I ever feel able to comment on are those which I own myself.  I very often hurt those I love, in order to prevent them from hurting me first.

Which principle allows me to say that I can be very judgmental at times, and sound like the Almighty pronouncing from on high.  Does that resonate with you at all?   :lol:

Please respect Bunny's boundaries.  She is not returning to this thread, and it is therefore not fair to continue to discuss her here, or to try to provoke a retaliation of some kind.