Author Topic: Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?  (Read 2523 times)


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« on: May 17, 2005, 12:53:08 PM »
This may be very old news and may have been covered on this board.  But upon the advice of some friends, I finally managed to get my hands on it.  I personally believe this movie to be transformational.  If you have NOT seen it, please take a look.

                                               HASAN PAL

mum as guest

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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2005, 02:57:38 PM »
Bought it the day it came out.    Everytime I see it, I learn something new.


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 11:46:24 AM »
I read that the film had been exposed as a cult recruitment ploy by the cult of Ramthas school of enlightenment (or similar wording).
Try searching around for the expose....


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 12:49:49 PM »
Gardiner-  I find that assessment interesting.  It was not until after I saw the movie that I even became aware that the woman, one of the commentators, was in fact Ramtha.  Even at this point I am not certain that she is Ramtha.  I would suggest that the aspersions are being presented by some branch or representative, self-styled or official, of a status quo religious organization.  It is not difficult to see why this movie would be threatening to such an organization, since the proposal that is espoused in this movie presents a perspective of reality that runs parallel to what we have observed scientifically.  The movie goes way beyond belief and presents evidence that what we think and feel is what we get.

The movie itself made me think, made me laugh and made me cry.  It left me with a confirmation that I am on the right track.  It brings to mind the line from the movie, "The Last Temptation of Christ", when Jesus says to Judas, "I look into the eye of an ant, and I see God looking back at me."   Judeo-Christianity considers this blasphemy.  But then again, this movie pays no heed to the concerns of those who would control the masses through force and fear.  This movie is about healing the spirit, through truth, and personally I think that Marlee Matlin was perfect, in her imperfection for the role.  Just my opinion.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2005, 01:21:09 PM »
Just thought I would paste this to present equal time.

Category #3, to the media outlet that reported as factual the most outrageous supernatural, paranormal or occult claims: The prize goes to the film "What the #$*! Do We Know?," a fantasy docudrama cult hit supposedly about the "nature of reality." More than a dozen scientists, theologians and mystics appear. However, the product placement reveals that among the physicists, neurologists and academics who expound the film's thesis is "new age" icon J.Z. Knight, who claims to be channeling a 35,000-year-old god/warrior from Atlantis named Ramtha. The films' producers, writers, directors, and some of the stars are members of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment in Washington State. Several of the scientists are affiliated with Knight's school, and the film was largely financed by one of Knight's students. It's a blatant effort by religious, mystical, and New Age gurus such as Deepak Chopra to disguise their views as real science. Thrown in are the fantasies of Masura Emoto, who claims to have proven that thoughts can change the structure of water; his "experiments" consist of taping written words to glasses of water. (See The "Maharishi Effect" — an equally vacuous notion, is also offered. A rampant example of abuse by charlatans and cults, it is still filling theatres all over the world.

                                               HASAN PAL


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2005, 02:28:46 PM »
Hey Phillip,

I suspect that you and I see eye to eye on virtually nothing, spiritually speaking.
But I think it is extremely commendable and rare to have a guy who will post a rebuttal of something he is advocating without any prompting.
You're a cool guy. Very rare indeed.


PS. I haven't seen the flick but in looking at reviews both pro and con, the science sounds a little...... well lets put it this way, does anyone remember Professor Irwin Corey? Sounds kind of like maybe he was their consultant.
Since he's dead all they had to do was channel him. :?

mum as guest

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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2005, 03:33:21 PM »
I stick with what my sister said to me about the film (and it's critics): I am glad I'm not smart enough to feel that way.....
I could get why people are upset about killing and evil and cults that propose destruction or  do not promote thinking independently amongst it's "members".  But I don't know if I will ever understand why it's a problem to open up our minds to the possibility that there is a lot out there we just don't get. Fear, the need to feel safe and in control.... attachment of some kind....?
Anywho, I enjoyed the movie, it gave me lots to think about, and I didn't find it offensive (but I am not attached to whatever things it is supposed to have threatened).


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2005, 04:05:40 PM »
Mudpup and Mum-I have made this statement here on this forum before and I had to dodge some bullets so I guess I expect to again.  

I have been gifted with the past friendship of a woman who has been called a master by a traveling Buddhist Monk, displaced from Tibet.  I did not need to hear those words to know this.

She attributed all of the "Miracles" that I have seen her perform, to one thing and one thing only:  The Power of Thought.  And yet, raised by a Baptist minister, who raped and abused her as a child repeatedly, she still prays to Jesus, when she works her "Magic" on the aged and the children, in hospitals.  Yet she has space in her heart for the Buddhists, Hindus, Moslems.  All she recognizes is the Truth in one's heart.  

Enlightenment is not something that we acquire.  It is something that was always there, to be found only after shedding the false.



                                               HASAN PAL


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2005, 04:06:48 PM »

"I am glad I'm not smart enough "

It is he who says he does not know, that is the wisest of the wise.



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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2005, 04:31:13 AM »
Quote from: mum as guest
Anywho, I enjoyed the movie, it gave me lots to think about, and I didn't find it offensive (but I am not attached to whatever things it is supposed to have threatened).

hey mum, this movie was repeatedly recommended to me by my previous therapist.... as well as a number of other people i know.....

havent seen it beucase i dont usually watch movies (no attention span :) )

the cult thing is interesting. now i feel like i want to see it and =also= figure out who funded it.  i dont think much of j.z. knight... but i dont have to agree with her to enjoy the rest of the movie.  i -do- believe that  water molecules can be affected by prayer and thought, and some other things i know the movie talked about. take some, leave some i guess. but a lot of people where i live really liked it.


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Has Anybody here seen the movie"What The Bleep"?
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2005, 05:43:04 AM »
Quote from: phillip
It brings to mind the line from the movie, "The Last Temptation of Christ", when Jesus says to Judas, "I look into the eye of an ant, and I see God looking back at me."   Judeo-Christianity considers this blasphemy.  

I find nothing blasphemous in this quotation, nor any reason why a Jew would find it blasphemous.  If someone were to say the ant is all that God is, that would be blasphemy.  But to say that part of the essence of God exists within an ant - as within all creation - is perfectly orthodox.

Still doesn't stop me killing ants who get into my kitchen, though.  Not as enlightened as those Buddhists who sweep the path before their feet in order not to kill the smallest insect.

Bizarre how intolerance is at times ascribed to places where it does not belong.   :?